Chapter 86

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"So nothing has happened between you and any of them since I've been gone?"

Having parked the car for a small break everyone stepped out to stretch and enjoy some fresh air- or in this case some light conversation. Anne right away had glued herself to your side dottling around like some sort of younger sister.

"Nope. Nothing whatsoever." Rolling onto the balls of your feet while answering the small girl, you put emphasis on the 'p'. Despite what went on a few days ago, though, she didn't need to know about all that.

Raising a hand and pinching her nose Anne muttered a few things before speaking up, "God you're so helpless." Throwing her hands into the air right after she broadly gestured towards the group just an earshot away. "Come on (Y/N), you have your pick-but you're so stupid."

"Gee thanks- again." Rolling your eyes at her you couldn't help but smile, you had to admit you did miss the small girl quite a bit. "But hey, I like to think I'm making progress...maybe."

"Maybe? Wha-" "It's him! It's the car again!" Hearing Polnareff's voice both yourself and Anne turned towards where everyone was looking, behind a tree low and behold was the red car from earlier. The vehicle remained idle leaving you to assume that the driver was somewhere sitting down.

Hearing Joseph begin questioning the vendor as well as the patrons you began to get a sneaking suspicion that things were going to get out of hand question- that suspicion was proven correct when the group began interrogating the other customers, and by interrogating you meant beating them up.

"Guys! Stop! That's not how you find the driver!" Making your way over and explaining that you could see kakyoin also typing to stop the remaining three, although they didn't seem to be listening to either of you. "Christ you guys, can't you talk to people once in awhi- Shit wait the car." Your sentence right away switched topics as your eyes caught sight of the car puttered to life, one of your hands had been raised pointing towards it.

A muscular arm could be seen leaned out from within the car before it sped off leaving a trail of dust behind.

"W-Were we seriously just played?" Shock was written on everyone's features though you couldn't help but facepalm.

Releasing a huff you crossed your arms like a scolding parent, the words that left your lips after followed those lines as well. "If you guys weren't so busy beating people up- then maybe we would've seen who the driver was."

"I-Well." Rubbing the back of his neck and trying to muster up an answer Joseph's eyes trailed across your unamused expression before moving away. You may be younger in this life but by god did you still have that same fight as before.

Speaking up from his spot upon noticing that nobody else was Kakyoin right away garnered the group's attention. "What do you think he's up to? He seemed like any other bad driver, but now it looks like he's following us."

"I'll be pissed if we can't track him down and take care of this!" Curling his hands into fists Polnareff practically fumed before turning to run back towards the car, everyone else following suit and once again you all were crammed into the vehicle. "And he's got another thing coming for that stunt he pulled with the truck earlier!"

Speeding off Polnareff slammed his foot on the gas, something that led you to pipe up form the back. "You shouldn't channel your anger into road rage- I'd appreciate not having another near death experience." At the mention of that you watched the ivory haired man quickly glance towards you through the rear view mirror.

Instantly your words hit harder than what they were supposed to and despite still flooring it he took more caution in doing so.

"Shit! For a piece of junk, that thing is pretty quick!" Hot on it's trail the car passed a sign that seemed smashed into.

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