Chapter 45

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The stone in response to landing against the sloped ground began sliding down, the cliff's edge at the end neared quickly and even with your early start did you begin to doubt that you were able to snag it.

"I'll get it!" Calling out towards Joseph you spared a glance over your shoulder nearly pissing yourself at how quickly Kars had also broken out into a sprint, the man's demeanor clearly showing that he was beyond annoyed. "Holy fuck, holy fuck, Joseph! Do something!"

Right away jumping into action Joseph chased after the two of you, his pace enough to keep him close but not close enough to land a porper attack on the Pillar Man.

Pushing yourself to move faster, your lungs burned from the cold air being intaken, the snow below was beginning to feel more like quick sand but there was no way you were stopping now.

Leaning forward your fingers brushed against the chain of the necklace, the item just barely within reach and upon grabbing it you couldn't help but let out a breath in disbelief. "I- I got it! I got-" Feeling yourself get slammed forward the necklace fell from your fingers, a face full of snow welcomed your colision all the while your ears picked up the laughter rolling off Kars.

"It was a good try! But not good enough!"

Clenching his fist after watching Kars land a hit on you, Joseph continued running, pushing himself to move faster till the brunette was almost parallel to the man.

The stone having slipped from your grip was still sliding across the surface of the snow being caught by Kars who dodged an attempted kick by Joseph.

Having the necklace wrapped around his leg, Kars held a cheshire-like smile, "What's with that arrogant grin?" Grinning himself Joseph eyed the man. "I'm the one who should smile, Kars! I expected as much. A trick like that won't be good enough. My kick was aimed at the snow! And it worked as a brake!" Just as he said snow was launched into the air blocking Kar's view, the stone was then snatched out of the air by Joseph.

"Looks like I'm the one who made the nice catch, Kars! Enjoy your trip!" "JoJo! Don't get too cocky! It's not ov-" Cutting of what you were saying your warning came a bit late as another blade protruded from Kars's leg, the end of which jabbed into Joseph pulling him off the edge of the cliff.

Scrambling to get up you looked over the edge of the cliff seeing Joseph and kars fighting while falling farther down, the latter of the two continuing to make an attempt to get the stone.

Wasting no time and sparing no second thought you'd jumped off the edge, hands fiddling with the clasp holding your whip once more watching it unfurl. "JoJo!" Calling out towards the brunette his attention right away shifted towards where you were currently falling, a hand was outstretched his way.

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