Chapter 96

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"Anything out of the ordinary?" Asking that you watched Jotaro lower the binoculars, a neutral expression was painted across his face but there was still something amiss with the scenery. Despite looking around and finding nothing he could just feel like something was being overlooked.

"No, nothing. I don't see anything. But...Something's weird. Something..." Trailing off is sentence was left open ended as Polnareff chimed in.

"Hey, let's get a move on."

Humming in agreement Joseph adjusted his grip on the camels reins, "We'll go as far as wel can, and once the sun sets, we'll stop and make camp for the night. It's too dangerous to travel at night"

"It's so fucking hot right now." Unable to hold back a complaint, you twisted your head back towards Polnareff who nodded instantly in agreement, the man held up a thermometer showing you a temperature which nearly made your eyes bulge. "Jesus christ! Fifty degrees!"

"It really is hot..." Looking at his own thermometer Joseph's brows knitted together before relaxing. "But I guess it's always hot around this time...Eight o'clock?" A noise of surprise left him right after reading the time. Jotaro! What's the time on your watch?"

Checking his own watch Jotaro read it off, "Ten after ei-" His eyes widened at the numbers before darting back up towards Joseph. "Hey, Gramps! "

"So it's true. W-We definitely lost track of time, but how is this possible? It's past eight o'clock...So why is the sun still up?"

Staring at the thermometer Polnareff called out once more, "The temperature just went up to 60 degrees!"

"N-Not only is it not going down, but..." "it's rising up more." Finishing what Kakyoin was beginning to say you added on right away after wiping some sweat with the back of your hand. "It has to be a stand user- in all my years I've never seen something like this."

"H-How can this be? This is the middle of the goddamn desert!" Right away dismounting his camel, Joseph called out towards the rest of the group. "Try to hide behind a rock or something!"

Hopping down from your own camel you stumbled slightly amongst the sand, the heat was so intense that it was beginning to feel like your brain was being cooked inside your body- hell when you died in that volcano it was so much better because it was quick.

"Come on!" Noticing your lack of movement Polnareff reached out taking your hand in his own easily pulling you towards a small rock cover. "We fucked up. I just hadn't realized..."

Leaning over the rock wall Kakyoin's eyes darted around the area, looking for clues on anything that could lead to where the user was. "I knew I felt us being watched, but I never saw a thing..."

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