Chapter 29

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A cool breeze brushed by carrying the sounds of gentle chatter. People wandered to and from different destinations all mixing with one another amongst the crowded sidewalk.

The brisk salty air licked at the edges of the map you held and a gentle hum left your lips, Italy was a place you'd wanted to visit for quite some time and now being in an age of vehicles able to travel through air- that idea was fulfilled.

Some part of you felt drawn to the place and without much thought, you'd bid your current hometown goodbye hopping on the nearest plane. It was certainly not the 1800's anymore, you could tell that much from the car's and new technology buzzing around.

It even took you quite some time to familiarize yourself with the current year dressing in something more comfortable and time period-appropriate. Your mind trailed off for a second or two recalling events that felt like they'd happened mere hours ago when in reality,

They happened years ago.

"Well, Erina and him did look like a cute couple already." Murmuring that to yourself and reluctantly folding up the map you began walking, destination still unknown and only real direction being the way your body felt compelled towards. "I hope they settled down somewhere nice."

Strolling closer towards the walkway's fence your eyes lingered across the vast blueness of the ocean, it's colour reminding you of the navy haired man.

Taking in a deep breath you took in the salty air basking in the sun's warm rays, wind continued to brush past gently till a particularly strong one swiped the woven hat that'd been sitting on top of your head off.

Right away turning to catch it the item seemed to have already been caught within someone's grasp, "Is this your's signorina?" The man's voice was smooth and light hearted, a smile was gently stretched out across his face and bright chartreuse eyes stared back at you.

Taking in the man's appearance your eyes trailed across his mostly blue attire before trailing across his face, soft pink triangles were seen beneath his eyes and a multicoloured headband held back pale blond hair, the colour of which nearly hid the two white feathers attached to said headband.

Meeting his gaze once more you felt an odd string of familiarity, although you knew for sure that the two of you had never met.

"Ah yes that's mine. Thank you for catching it." Seeing that the hat had been extended your way you took it with a smile nodding your head in thanks before placing it back onto your head.

Nodding his own head the man observed you for a second or two, you looked familiar to him yet he wasn't sure as to where from. "It was no problem. I can't let a pretty girl lose her things now can I?" Upon saying that he watched you let out a forced cough unused to flirting, drawing his gaze down the sleeve of your buttoned shirt they landed on the map clutched within your hand. "Is there somewhere you need help getting to? I certainly don't mind being a guide."

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