Chapter 74

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"Oh man...We're finally headed to India, huh?" Leaning against the window, Polnareff's eyes hardened for a moment or two. "Now I know the man with two right hands is called J. Geil..." His expression softened after speaking and his attention trailed towards where you sat beside him, head resting on the table. "By the way, where's Anne?"

"She was at the station for a while until the train left, though I'm not sure where she went after." Humming that out and shifting so your cheek was pressed against the white cloth, you lazily looked up at the ivory haired man. "Might've met with her father by now. Who knows though."

A laugh left Polnareff in response to what you'd said, "That kid...knowing her, she was probably lying about seeing her dad in the first place. Still, it's a bit lonely without her."

"I can agree with you there," Humming that out you smiled faintly thinking about the small girl's list of do's and don't for you to follow, her 'job' as matchmaker being taken more seriously than you originally expected. Turning your head towards the table Kakyoin and Jotaro sat, your eyes trailed towards the ebony haired man, "What about you Jojo?"

Glancing down towards you Jotaro's teal hues lingered across your face before the edge of his lips quirked up wordlessly. It was a faint smile but the sight itself was nice considering it was something least expected from the ebony haired man.

Rolling your head back towards Polnareff your eyes lingered towards the window watching the passing scenery for a minute or so, only the clearing of someone's throat drew your attention away. "Say (Y/N), do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Leaning onto the table and resting his chin into his palm baby blue hues stared down at you, your cheek still pressed against the top of the table in a laid-back manner.

"Go for it."

"How is it you seem to know Mr.Joestar more than anyone else?" Beginning with that he added on, "I mean I would have assumed you were old friends with Kakyoin or Jojo but you seem to be more familiar with Mr.Joestar instead." The question itself instantly caught your attention as well as the others, you didn't think your interactions with Joseph made it that apparent but you guessed wrong apparently.

"Oh," Pushing off the table and sitting back into your seat, you pursed your lips together, "He was friends with an acquaintance of mine." You felt like the answer was simple and would suffice but from the look, he gave you did you realize it wasn't the answer he'd been looking for. "We were friends back when I used to train."

"Train in what?"

Pursing your lips you glanced towards Joseph, "It's called hamon, although I don't think I can use it anymore." Your addition of that right away caught the older man's attention, his brows raising in surprise.

"You can't use it anymore?" Seeing you shake your head he crossed his arms letting out a huff, it was interesting to him that in this life you weren't able to use something that was so prominent in your last.

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