Chapter 99

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Indulging yourself in a bowl of soup that'd been prepared you found yourself taking a seat by your red haired companion, with the assumption that your presence could soothe the man.


Hearing him call your name softly your head tilted up towards him seeing as you were sitting on the ground. "Yes Kakyoin?"

Swallowing before speaking he kept his tone of voice quiet, "You trust me right?" It was an odd question but you nodded anyways seeing that it had somewhat eased the man. "Can you do me a favour then?"


"Watch over me. I don't know what's happening but I think you're the only person I can ask this of." Leaning forward while saying that his eyes stared deeply into your own, there was a sense of urgency within them that compelled you to nod once more.

"Yeah of course. Uh does this watching over you require any healing?"

Visibly more relaxed that you were willing to trust him blindly, the redhead released a breath, "Perhaps. I'm not sure but it is quite calming."

His words trailed off and with a smile you released an airy laugh. "I'm assuming that's your way of asking for me to do it again- I'm glad it's calming and I'd be happy to do it whenever."

Bobbing his head in thanks he stood up from where he was seated offering to take your empty bowl for you continuing about his way before stilling in place. His eyes widened at what he'd just seen- the baby, just

fought a scorpion?!

Spacing out for a minute or two, commotion from across the campfire caught your attention, yelling from Kakyoin was the first thing you heard followed by him gesturing around wildly. "Mr.Joestar! I'm convinced now! I don't know where he hid the scorpion but he has to be a Stand user! I have all the proof I need right here!" Yanking up his sleeve the redhead revealed a set of poorly carved words, ones that were engraved into the skin of his arm.

"Look! Read what is says on my arm! It's a warning! I must've gotten this wound in my sleep!"

Staring wide eyed at what he was showing you rose up from your spot, eyes fixed to the cuts. "Jesus kakyoin."

"Did you do that to yourself?" Calling that out Jotaro raised a hand pointing towards the redhead, each member of the group stared at him in shock.

Starring between everyone, Kakyoin let the sleeve of his jacket fall back down, his jaw clenched from the range of thoughts drifting through his mind before eventually coming to a decision. "I'll have to use force! Hierophant Green!" The luminescent stand flew through the sair, the baby in Joseph's arms being the target until Silver Chariot smacked him in the back of the head.

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