Chapter 46

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Snapping your eyes open, a dark wooden ceiling welcomed you, the musty smell of dust flooded through your nose instantly drawing out a sneeze. Your body felt oddly stiff and it took you a minute or two to realize you'd fallen off a cliff not too long ago.

How did you get here? You had no clue.

Sitting up you could right away feel the cool air circulating around the room, the blankets that once rested over you now pooled around your waist. Raising your hands and rubbing at your face for a moment or two you took in a breath shifting to slide off the bed, being in an unfamiliar place rubbed you the wrong way.

Letting your feet rest among the floor for a bit before pushing off your eyes trailed around the room, now having gotten more accustomed to the dark surrounding.

From what you could tell it looked like an old decrepit hotel room, something that hasn't seen the light of day in decades although the bed looked newly cleaned oddly enough. Seeing that there was a window off to the side you swiftly neared it, planks of wood were nailed across it but you were sure with a bit of hamon they'd come off easily.

The sound of a door opening right away caught your attention and the whole scene was beginning to feel like deja vu.

You, in a bedroom- trying to get out a window when someone walks in catching you in the act.

"Ah, I see that you are awake little one." Turning your head to see the first Pillar man you'd encountered, letting out a jovial hum he drew closer quickly lifting you up from the ground similar to how a child would pick up a cat. "It is good that you are not too injured. When Lord Kars brought you in you'd nearly froze to death." Chiming that out he allowed his eyes to scan across your face, both your hands had made an attempt to reach his arm but alas- you were held in such an awkward way.

"Ah well, uh that's very kind of you to not let me freeze to death. But can you put me down now?" swinging your legs a bit in to try and signify you wanted to be put down Wamuu merely let out another hum, arms moving in more so that he could properly see your face.

"What was it we called you the last time we met?"

"Um (Y/N)? Although Kars did call me an it." Assuming that that was what he was inquiring about, you were proven correct when he'd gently placed you down amongst the ground, the man now easily towering over you.

"Ah yes, I do recall Lord Kars calling you that," His lips pursed together before the man nodded more to himself than you. "I will talk to him about referring to you as something else."

Giving the blond an awkward laugh you nodded your own head, he was being so friendly and for what? Was this some sort of ploy to get you to lower your guard? Maybe something to blackmail the others?

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