Chapter 58

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Helping Holly bring over a few things from the kitchen to where the table was set out you couldn't help but slip into a small argument with the tall ebony haired man, accusing him of being lazy and not helping.

To which, of course, he'd snapped back- but surprisingly enough also began helping, in his own grouchy-constantly complaining way.

It was really only when you grabbed one of the hot pans thinking it was cold did you have to excuse yourself to find where the bathroom was, hand faintly stinging from the heat.

Turning one of the corners quickly a noise left you from having bumped into someone, "Ah sorry." Apologizing right away you peered up towards the man seeing that it was Holly's father, a neutral expression was stretched out across his face and it seemed as though there was something he wanted to say.

"Don't apologize." Beginning with that he added in the next bit hesitantly. " He's the bad guy."

The smile that'd been set out across your face began to fall after he spoke, your eyes once again dragged themselves over his form trying to piece together exactly why the statement sounded familiar.

It was annoying that as the years progressed your memory gradually became worse and worse.

Adjusting the way his gloves sat he drew his gaze briefly to the side before focusing it back on you, "And I will assume your next words will be 'guess we meet again'."

Right away recognition flashed across your features, eyes once again trailing across the man's hopeful expression. The anticipation was eating him up and it wasn't till you spoke that he was able to relax.

"Joseph?" The name was uttered hesitantly but in that moment you watched his expression light up, the man right away threw his arms out and around you in a tight hug.

"Honestly I didn't believe anything about that reincarnation bull, but when you showed up at the door- I was beyond surprised." Pulling back he kept his hands along your shoulders, eyes once again trailing across your features. "You still look the same."

"You got old and had a kid, who had a kid. Who's my classmate." Beginning with that your lips curled into a faint smile. "I should've guessed you two were related when everyone started calling him JoJo."

Reaching up towards where his hands rested you went to raise them off pausing as your hand wrapped around something hard hidden beneath his glove. Furrowing your brows together and moving to take his wrist in both hands you spared the man a questioning look.

"I lost my hand, remember?" Right away pointing that out he gently nudged your hands away tugging the glove off to show a silver prosthetic hand, the fingers of which were moved as if to show the array of motion it had.

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