Chapter 76

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Staring into the back of Polnareff's head you sucked in a breath turning your head towards Joseph, "I'm going to tail him." Your words right away caught his attention though before he could ask anything else you raised a hand adding on. "We'll meet up again. I just don't think he should be alone right now like Avdol mentioned."

An understanding hum left the older man and a faint nod was given, "Alright, just stay safe." Nodding your head as well you turned running off weaving between the crowded streets quickly, you didn't want to lose sight of the white haired man just yet but you also didn't want him to see in that moment that you were tailing him.

He needed time to cool down, at least enough to talk without yelling.

Lingering behind the man you noted how he kept facing forward, occasionally glancing to the side but overall it seemed like he knew where he was going even if there were currently little to no leads.

Now as sly as you may have thought you were, it only really took a few minutes for the ivory haired man to stop walking and turn around, hand resting on his hip while his eyes right away fell on your form. "Why are you following me?" His tone was sharp and you found yourself kicking the road slightly.

"Well..." Trailing off you pursed your lips pondering over exactly what to say. "I thought you could use the company."

Narrowing his eyes towards you Polnareff let out a huff swiveling on his heel to face away from you, "I don't need your company. Go back to the others." A hand was raised in a shooing motion and he continued walking, only really slowing down momentarily when rapid steps approached and you popped into his peripheral. A quick 'No' left you, causing the man to let out a huff, eyes narrowing. "Go away."


Tightening his grip around the rope of his bag Polnareff's jaw clenched, "Are you stupid or something? Go away, don't you understand what's happening?"

Holding back the urge to roll your eyes at what he'd said you nipped the inside of your cheek, "Don't you understand? You're vulnerable right now and I don't care how many times you tell me to go away. I'll follow you wherever you go." Affirming that you narrowed your own eyes back up at the man, (E/C) hues clashing with navy blue ones.

Halting in place once more Polnareff reached out taking hold of your colourful jacket, the fabric being pulled forward. "Don't you understand that you could die! If I do this myself then I don't have to worry about carrying the weight of another person." Accusing that Polnareff moved his eyes from one to the other trying to get his point through.

"And?" Staring up at the man your lips pressed into a firm line, "So what if I die? It wouldn't be the first time." Reaching up you wrapped your hand around Polnareff's wrist adding on. "And carry my weight? I can do that myself, I'll have you know I probably have more fighting experience than you do, not so much with a stand but the point is still there."

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