Chapter 35

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"What's this?! A German soldier!" Raising a hand and pointing down at the car Joseph's brows angled down, his eyes focused on the driver watching as they raised their head looking up while giving an ok sign with their hand.

"It looks like we're clear," Humming that out Caesar flicked his hand into the air motioning with it, "The Germans guard the Pillar Men. He'll get us in to see them."

"You're serious?!" Exclaiming that Joseph turned to face Caesar catching him beginning to walk away, "Hey wait?! Don't walk away when I'm asking a question!" Right away pursuing the blond Joseph and Caesar dipped out of sigh leaving you and Speedwagon to trail leisurely behind.

Making it down to where the car was parked you were met with it being smaller than it appeared, leaving you with two seating options- squeezed between Joseph and Speedwagon or on someone's lap. The first option was what you were originally trying to choose before the brunette beside you had simply tugged you over curling his arms around you.

Catching sight of the action through the rear view mirror Caesar let out a huff, "Watch yourself JoJo." There was a clear warning and in response the brunette merely flashed him a cheeky smile.

"What? Wouldn't want a beauty like this to be squished now would we?" Leaning forward slightly he took the opportunity to rest his chin among your shoulder, the smug smile from before was still present and it seemed like he was mocking the blond.

Rolling his eyes at what was said Caesar bit his tongue from making anymore comments choosing to answer the brunette's previous question, "Germany and Italy have an alliance, and the Germans want to do scientific research on my Hamon. You're Englishmen, but you're allowed to see the Pillar Men. You can thank my painstaking efforts for that, JoJo."

Letting out a scoff in response Joseph merely turned his head slightly listening to what the driver and Speedwagon had begun talking about, the two quickly finishing up just as Caesar had begun asking the driver about his girlfriend.

"The road! Watch the road please!" Calling that out as the car began to swerve from the two upfront you used one hand to rest onto the seat before you while the other gripped onto Joseph's arm, one of his own was also used to grip the handle by his head.

"Stop nuzzling the wheel!" Calling that out himself Joseph held on for dear life only relaxing once the car had stopped swerving.

Glancing over his shoulder Caesar began speaking to the brunette, tone of voice sounding more condescending than anything. "By the way, you have a girlfriend?- ah of course not. No girl would want to date a guy like you. It would be easier to find Nessie-" The blonds voice cut itself off as his seat was kicked roughly,

"Be careful with what you say casanova, because I don't recall you ever having one either." Openly stating that you watched him cross his arms letting out a huff, he hadn't expected you to stick up for the brunette but it seemed like you were growing fond of the brunette.

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