Chapter 63

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"My Hierophant's tendrils had already slipped beneath the seats. Didn't you realize I was trapping you there with Emerald Splash?" The smugness of his tone was almost too easy to hear as his stand effortlessly tore the beetle appart.

Nearly jumping in place from hearing the old man from before let out a shriek. Your eyes right away moved towards where he rested, spotting a beetle-like tattoo embedded into his tongue. The man's body twitched a bit before his tongue ripped apart and blood poured from his head.

"Guess the old man was the user then, right?" Musing that out, your attention trailed towards Kakyoin who gradually rose up from the floor.

A hum left him faintly, "Appears so. A disgusting Stand for a disgusting user." Reaching down to lift up the man you watched the redhead set him into a chair, Avdol right away stepped over afterwards moving to secure the body.

Moving to snag a tissue from a nearby bag you stepped over towards where Kakyoin looked over the man, tapping his shoulder lightly, a questioning look was given your way before his eyes fell onto the tissue.

Pulling away he leaned down slightly, feeling you right away begin wiping off the blood, "He doesn't appear to have Dio's flesh bud in his forehead." Pointing that out, Kakyoin's hand trailed up towards where his bangs sat, twisting it around his finger.

"Dio probably asked him if he just wanted an excuse to kill a bunch of people to be honest." Blurting that out your lips pressed themselves into a line, the redhead's face seemed void of anymore blood and at this point you were fighting back the urge to admire him.

"Your guess was close." Tilting his head back towards where you stood Avdol's attention returned towards the man. "Tower of Gray is an evil Stand that was infamous for murdering tourists, making it appear to be an accident in return for pay." Picking up one of the airline's blankets he threw it over the old man. "Dio was able to manipulate him since he is easily bought and blinded by greed."

Digesting the information Joseph released a hum, the man going to respond before pausing as the plane began tilting to one side. "That's weird...It could be my imagination, but it feels like we're flying crooked."

Feeling the plane yourself you looked towards the man, "No no, I think you're right. The plane is crooked." Putting emphasis on the 'is' you could feel the plane begin to tilt more, the things within the cabin gradually began sliding to one side.

Joseph, upon hearing your confirmation began moving quickly up the aisle walking past two flight attendants and into the cockpit.

Following right away Jotaro roughly pushed the two women aside, them being caught by Kakyoin right after. "Whoa, there. Pardon me. Treating women like that is inexcusable...but this is an emergency. Please forgive him."

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