Chapter 8

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"And next in the ring is Jonathan Joestar!"

People cheered from the outer area of the ring each different things about the navy haired boy's previous fights while the announcer continued onto what he was previously saying, "Lately, he's been stronger than ever. His opponent will be..." Pausing the announcer turned looking off towards the side.

"It seems there's been a change of plans. His foe will be a new arrival, someone most of us barely know the name of!"

The announcer had moved an arm outwards motioning towards the side, moving your attention towards where everyone was looking and where he was gesturing, your eyes quickly landed among blond hair, that of which belonged to someone you, as well as Jonathan, were familiar with.

"Let me introduce. . .Dio Brando!"

Seeing that the blond was just tying up his gloves, your gaze trailed towards Jonathan seeing that he was just as surprised as you were. Neither of you were aware that Dio had joined the small fight club nor would he show up at the same time.

Watching the blond rise up from the grass and make his way towards the ring, the announcer quickly filled the two in on what the house rules were. Whoever landed the first facial blow would win the round.


Standing up from the grass yourself and stepping closer towards the fight you'd called out cheering on your navy haired companion. "Go, JoJo! Take him down!" Your cheers easily melded in with the rest of the crowd and you could only hope that Jonathan had heard you.

Right as the small bell was chimed signifying the official start of the fight you watched Jonathan begin moving forward, throwing a few swings towards his opponent. Each of which were easily dodged much to your surprise, Dio seemed to have been moving effortlessly just to the side of whatever punch Jonathan threw.

Where did he even learn to do all that?

Shifting to the side Dio pivoted on one of his feet crouching down to deliver a swift- and what you could only assume was a very painful punch towards your navy haired friend's gut. The latter of the two then proceeded to receive another harsh punch straight to the face.

"Match! JoJo loses!"

The crowd cheered instantly and Dio was left standing in the middle of the ring accepting whatever praise was sent his way as people hopped over the wooden railings of the ring complimenting the way the blond moved.

Seeing Jonathan laying against the rough ground you quickly made your way over ignoring whatever the others were saying. "JoJo are you okay?" Watching him rise slightly from the ground your gaze instantly focused on the small stream of red starting from his eye trailing all the way down his cheek.

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