Chapter 65

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Watching Magician's red and Silver chariot exchange attacks you couldn't help but be visibly impressed by how Polnareff was able to shape a nearby statue into the shape of Avdol's stand, simply just by deflecting one of his attacks towards it in order to do so.

"Damn, he is good with a sword." Unable to hold yourself back from being impressed you let out a faint whistle, a noise that Joseph right away snapped his head towards now staring at where you stood, the small statement easily reminded him of back in the day, but much like back in the day it wasn't the right time.

"Shut up (Y/N)! The bastards mocking us!" Clenching his jaw upon saying that Joseph's hands curled into fists, his eyes easily trailed away from you towards the statue and then towards Polnareff who held a coy smirk casting his gaze over.

Pleased with the mixed reactions the silver-haired man chided in, eyes trailing between the five of you, lingering a bit longer on where you stood before moving on to rest back onto Avdol. "You'd make for a nice decoration in this garden, Magician's Red!"

Avdol's eyes narrowed in response to the ivory-haired males statement, the man now moving both of his hands to take on some sort of stance while his stand let out a loud noise.

The newly attained stance seemed to put Joseph on edge as the older man made a suggestion, "Hey, we need to hide! Avdol is using that move!" Emphasis was put on 'that' and for a second you didn't understand what he was saying.

Remaining in place much like you were, Jotaro took a few steps back, tugging the back of your uniform to do the same. "What's that?" Directing the question towards the older man and putting emphasis on 'that', the Kujo's eyes right away drifted back towards the fight.

"Crossfire Hurricane!"

At the yell Magician Red's mouth opened, blowing rings and columns of fire, both seemingly just as intense as the last though unfortunately, the attacks appeared to have been deflected back onto the user.

Avdol, now yelling from within the flames.

Too many things were happening at once for you to comprehend exactly what was going on, but once Avdol fell to the ground what you assumed was Magician's Red lurched forward- that later being revealed as the statue from earlier while the actual stand found an opening and lit Silver Chariot aflame.

"Your eyes were obscured by the flames. Your Silver Chariot only succeeded in slicing through the statue carved earlier!" Closing his eyes the Egyptian man took in a breath, "I told you I was capable of freely controlling flame. The flames you sent back at it melted the joints and allowed it to move." Reopening his eyes they focused on the white-haired man, emphasis was put on the word 'you'. "Meaning you were the one to be defeated by the power of your Stand! And now, we shall finish this!"

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