Chapter 13

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Yours and Dio's friendship seemed...unique to say the least.

There were arguments of course but they appeared more playful than they were hurtful, the blond in addition to that would often add in insults towards a certain navy haired boy.

Though at that point in time you could agree with a few of them, his words from when the two of you had gone into town stuck.

Having a hand hovering in the air before you, the stream of sunlight filtering in through your window bounced off the golden pendant twisting through the air. The chain of it was wrapped between your fingers like an elegant vine and your eyes remained on the imprinted bird surrounded by various flora.

It was certainly a beautiful necklace that's for sure.

Humming to yourself softly and shifting to stand up from the windowsill you perked up slightly upon hearing noise, the sound of people yelling specifically.

Jumping to your feet curious as to what was happening the necklace was quickly set atop your dresser, hand now curling around the door handle proceeding afterward to crack it open stepping into the hall. The sounds from before became more prominent than coming from where the main foyer was.

Walking briskly down the hall and stopping just where the top of the stairs were you leaned over the railing quickly spotting both Jonathan and Dio, the two both having scrapes and rather disheveled appearances.

"You brute!"

About to call out to the two a large hand had landed itself on your shoulder, the hand belonging to no other than Mr.Joestar who also presumably heard the yelling. "What in the world is this racket!?"

Both boys instantly stopped what they were doing, attention now trained upwards towards where the older man stood.

Jonathan was the first to speak, surprise was clearly written across his face. "Father!"

Raising a hand to gesture towards the two Mr.Joestar shook his head, "Boys will be boys, but JoJo, you struck Dio white he was defenseless. That's not what a gentleman would do."

"It's not like that!" "I don't want to hear it! Both of you, go to your rooms! I'll punish the both of you later!" Shaking his head at the two, the older man lightly patted your shoulder before letting out a sigh. "I apologize for these two, hope they didn't disrupt whatever you were doing."

"Oh no it was fine really, I was just curious to know what was happening." Waving off the older man's apology you spared him a small nod and a smile. You were curious as to what had happened between the two but figured that it might've just been one of their usual arguments.

"Ah I understand, curiosity is a good trait to have." Humming that out the older man spared a glance towards where the boys were then where you stood. "Your parents should be getting back from their trip today. Are you planning to stay here another night or head back? You're welcome either way."

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