Chapter 30

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Being accepted as a student to Lisa Lisa didn't seem so bad at first, the woman spared no expense when it came to training and you certainly felt that way once the first few days had passed. She'd initially begun trying to see if you could use hamon without a kickstart but that appeared to be futile, thus leading her to give you a training regime to try before making an attempt to spark anything.

"You have to keep your breathing level (Y/N). Without doing that you have no chance in using hamon." Chiding away as you'd passed by, the woman watched you with crossed arms eyeing the way you ran across the track, your endurance seemed to have been rising steadily but there were still concerns she saw when questioning what you could already do.

Pausing at the end of the track your lungs burned from the lack of air, running wasn't your favorite thing in the world but if doing a bit of it meant finally being able to use hamon- then so be it.

"Gah fuck." Rolling your shoulders back you leaned down slightly before breaking out into a sprint much like many times before, lungs burning yet again although this time around your eyes caught the form of Caesar walking in. The blond exchanged a few words with Lisa Lisa before focusing his gaze on where you ran.

"Come on stella di fuoco! You're almost there!" Cupping his hands around his mouth and calling out the man smiled slightly seeing you tear your gaze away pushing to go faster along the course, your posture straightened out as well and it almost felt like more air was beginning to make its way into your lungs.

Making it to the end you nearly collapsed against the two pillars, Suzi- who you recently learned the name of- wasted no time in rushing over, a bottle of water in hand was quickly offered to you. "You beat your time!" Her chipper tone brightened your mood substantially and you could only muster up a smile between your greedy intakes of air.

The three occupying the island have been quite welcoming to say the least, Suzi unlike the other two was unable to use hamon and was just there to help around the building and help with whatever Lisa Lisa needed. A simple cute friendly girl if anything.

Now Caesar on the other hand, you've certainly taken note of how smooth the man was with words. A real casanova if anything and you're more than one hundred percent sure there's not a woman in sight that the man hasn't made an attempt to charm.

Though even knowing that you couldn't help but fall victim each time, you never will get used to the constant flirting.

Hearing the sound of heels nearing your attention shifted back, watching the brown haired woman near, no words left her lips till she stood right in front of you. "Good job." They were simple and short but enough was said to make you feel like you could fly to the moon and back. "I think we can try moving on from here."

Curious as to what that means you watched the woman extend a hand flexing her fingers for a second or two till small bits of light flickered between her fingers. Using the sparks of hamon as a distraction she thrusted the hand forward jabbing it into your gut instantly drawing out a groan. Pulling back she patted her hands together nodding slightly, "We'll see if you retain any of that hamon later. Till then training is adjourned."

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