Chapter 89

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"Jotaro, I'm surprised you found someone who could make you a Japanese school uniform in Pakistan, it's even the right size!" Pointing towards the jacket worn by the ebony-haired high school student, Joseph's brows were raised faintly.

"It's one hundred percent wool and they even made (Y/N) one." He didn't have to add in the last bit but there was a sense of pride upon pointing out that you were wearing a smaller version of his jacket.

At the mention of this, Joseph's gaze trailed back towards where you sat right away trailing his eyes across the black jacket you wore, "I was wondering what that whole wardrobe situation was." Moving his finger between the both of you, Joseph released an amused hum. "Didn't know you were the matching type."

Shaking his head Jotaro let out a huff crossing his arms. "Good grief old man."

"Say Polnareff, is it safe to drive right now? It appears the fog in this area is getting quite thick." Pointing that out Kakyoin's eyes narrowed ahead, the air was filled with sand and various particles hindering anyone from seeing more than ten meters ahead, the whole thing seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah it seems risky- we don't need another Wheel of Fortune situation." resting your hands along the backs of Joseph and Jotaro's seats, you called out toward the ivory-haired man upfront. "I mean there's also a big drop and no guardrail."

"I know, the fog is getting thick up ahead." Pursing his lips together Polnareff's gaze trailed across the rocky road upfront, certain areas of fog appearing thicker than others which was odd.

"It's not even three o'clock yet, but we have no choice." Checking over the time on a pocket watch Joseph released a hum, leaning onto the car door, his eyes trailed over what seemed to have been a cluster of buildings below. "Let's find a place to stay in that town for the night.

"I wonder if they'll have a nice hotel..." "A nice hotel?" Raising a brow towards what Polnareff had said, Kakyoin side-eyed Polnareff as he continued. "It has to have a decent toilet, of course! I'll never get used to the toilets in India and West Asia where you clean yourself with your hands."

Shaking your head and releasing an airy laugh at what the two upfront were talking about your eyes trailed towards the surrounding scenery as well. Attention instantly shifting to focus on some rocky spikes that came into view. A few of them appeared to have red streaked across them, while another even had what appeared to have been a dog corpse skewered onto it.

Gripping the side of the car and leaning out a bit as if you were just seeing things your head turned to the right seeing that Jotaro was also looking at the deceased dog, teal hues briefly met your own, and a nonverbal 'did you just see that?!' was passed between both of you.

"What's wrong, Jotaro, (Y/N)?"

Turning towards the man beside him Jotaro answered for the both of you. "It's nothing."

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