Chapter 4

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Standing before the Joestar estate much like you'd begun doing for quite some time now you kicked at the small rocks scattered around the ground awaiting your friends' appearance.

A second or two later the front door was opened and both Jonathan and Danny ran out. The former of the two waved happily towards you coming to stand beside you, his lips were pulled into a smile excited to once again spend time with you.

"So what do you want to do today?" Asking that and rolling onto your heels in through the boy pursed his lips in thought. He knew you would be open to doing anything which was another reason the two of you got along so well.

"How about we go find an apple tree or something? I know my dad was telling me about some the other day." Suggesting that he motioned off towards a small forestry area not too far away from the house.

Nodding your head at the suggestion you made a popping noise with your mouth, "Sounds good to me."

Beginning to walk off the two of you weaved between the various trees scattered around, eyes focused above looking for the fruit in question all the while Danny bounced around clueless yet trying his best to help.

"Are they green apples or red ones?" Calling that out and casting your gaze towards Jonathan you could see his shoulders raise in a shrug, an embarrassed smile curled onto his lips from not having remembered what kind of apples they were.

Shaking your head but letting out a soft laugh regardless you continued looking around the area eventually coming upon the bright red fruits. Happy that you'd found there you ended up scaling the tree quickly settling yourself on top of one of the branches. "JoJo! I found the apples!" Calling that out you plucked a few of the delicate fruits tucking them into the pockets of your dress.

Finding the tree you were perched in, Jonathan starred up, eyes bouncing between the different fruits before settling on your smiling face. "Did you grab some?" Asking that he watched you give a nod followed by a thumbs up.

"Yep. But now I think I'll need help getting down." Pointing that out you released an airy laugh moving back towards the trunk of the tree.

Moving so that he was standing behind where you were climbing down Jonathan held his arms out, his stance was widened but when you did lose your grip and fell the two of you ended up falling.

An 'oof' left the boy as his butt harshly collided with the ground but he was happy that he'd been able to cushion your fall. "Are you okay?" Asking that even if he'd been the one to collide with the ground Jonathan leaned forward speaking over your shoulder. The way he'd caught you led him to have his arms around your torso having you land on him rather than the ground.

"I should be asking you that?! I'm so sorry." Right away pushing off your friend and rising to your feet a hand was outstretched towards him.

"It's fine, I'm fine. It's what a gentleman does isn't it?" Giving a soft laugh he took your hand hoisting himself up. Letting go of your hand and patting any grass from his clothes the navy haired boy went to add on before shouting caught both of your attention.

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