Chapter 23

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"Do you think these would fit you?" Turning your head towards the open doorway they landed on Erina who currently held a small stack of clothing, her bright blue eyes peered towards where you stood hoping that what she'd brought would be what you asked for.

Trailing over you took the clothing out of her hands setting them along the bed to see what exactly she'd brought. A hum left your lips upon seeing the few riding skirts she'd brought as well as some button up shirts that in her opinion 'didn't go well with anything else.

"I think these will do just perfectly. Thank you." bobbing your head and sparing the woman a smile she sent one back happy to have been of some help.

"If you need anything else please feel free to ask. I don't mind helping a friend out." Chiming that out she bobbed her head in a quick gesture before pulling away from your doorway, moving back down the hall.

Your lips pulled into a closed smile thinking about how kind and attentive the woman has been over the course of your stay, maybe even just because the two of you were able to become quite good friends. She was still as soft spoken as you recalled but she was also not afraid to correct someone on what they said or did.

An admirable trait of course.

Admirable till she began berating you on why you kept showing up at your room covered in leaves, dirt, mud, water- anything of the likes. To which you responded simply with you were freshening up whatever skills you had. That response seemed to have been enough for the blond and she'd ended up digging up some of her old clothes for you to wear, opting to suggest you look into women's boxing.

A taboo topic but it was nice for her to suggest something along those lines.

Finding yourself wearing one of the 'new' riding skirts you found yourself stopped just outside your room, the culprit of which was Speedwagon who held a look of concern.

"Ah perfect timing, I was just looking for you and Mister Joestar." Beginning with that the man took in a deep breath seemingly out of breath from running around. "We have a possible lead on the current situation." Nodding along to what he was saying, you didn't need any more of an explanation and merely followed the man on his way to find where Jonathan and Zeppeli were.

The two now being briefed on the situation in the carriage.

"More and more townspeople are turning up missing." Beginning with that Speedwagon ended off his sentence allowing Zeppeli to continue, "We don't have much time. JoJo, you'll have to perfect your ripple breathing in battle."

Casting his gaze between the two Jonathan gave a nod, "Of course! I'm ready to fight!"

Although Jonathan and the others agreed to this point you couldn't help but become anxious for some reason, the gate of Wind Knights gradually crept closer and it was beginning to seem like that was the cause of your feeling.

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