Chapter 11

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During the next few days, it'd begun to feel like Jonathan was avoiding you, that and the fact he was barely around.

You'd expected your stay at the Joestar mansion to be lively, you know spending time with one of your closest friends. Though instead of that your time was being occupied by his adoptive brother, the blond taking the time to check-in at least once a day.

Oddly enough.

But now speak of the devil, a knock rang out from your room's door merely leading you to let out a groan in response. The blankets of your bed were pulled over top of your face and the strong feeling of being unmotivated was what left you huddled within them all morning.

Hearing the door open a long sigh came from whoever had entered, "What even are you? A caveman?" From the tone and sound of their voice, you could quickly come to the conclusion that Dio had strolled in.

"Is there something you need?" Mumbling that out through the comforter the blond in question simply crossed his arms leaning across from where your bed sat.

"I have no clue as to what you'd just said."

A long sigh left you before the covers were pushed away from your face and the room's cold air instantly nipped at your skin, "I said is there something you need?" Keeping your eyes fixed to the ceiling a slight huff left the blond.

"Good god I feel bad for whatever chap marries you later on in life and has to see you like this in the mornings." Right away you huffed out in annoyance towards what he'd said, moving to sit up and somewhat glare at the blond albeit in a friendly manner though.

"I'll say it again, is there something you need?"

Tapping his foot against the ground he bobbed his head in a yes manner, "Yes actually there is. Get ready we're going out today." It wasn't as much of a question as it was a statement and you could only blink at the blond- proceed to roll your eyes, then lay back down.

"What if I don't want to."

Rolling his eyes once more the blond turned in place stepping over towards where your wardrobe was, "You need to leave the room one way or another, I swear you're going to shrivel up in here and die just because Jonathan stopped hanging around you." Cracking open the dual doors and looking through the outfits stored inside he let out a hum. "He's an idiot."

Sitting back up once more your gaze trailed across the room settling across Dio who's been critiquing the outfits and dresses hung up within the wardrobe. "Is this your way of a pep talk? Because if so I think you need to work on the pep part."

Rolling his eyes at what you'd said he merely ignored it, pulling one of your dresses from its hanger, "We're going into town so please look presentable. I don't want to look like I'm walking around with a homeless woman." Resting the article of clothing he'd chosen the blond spared you a look before slipping out of the room.

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