Chapter 7

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Finding yourself seated along one of the library's couches, book in hand, you held back a sigh. The book was fine, nothing really happened within it apart from some stereotypical forbidden love trope, but that wasn't why you were going to sigh.

It was because of the blond sitting right across from you along another couch, his nose was burrowed into a book as well but you could feel the occasional glances he'd give swiftly diverting his attention back towards the pages as soon as you'd lookup.

"I'm sorry but is there something you want to say?" closing up the book you had in hand and crossing your arms, your eyes focused on the blond before you, expression that of slight annoyance.

Peering up from his own book but not closing it Dio pursed his lips together releasing a hum, "What makes you think that?" His tone of voice was low, almost inquisitive although he knew what you were referring to.

Finally letting out that sigh you clicked your tongue, "You're staring," Beginning with that you raised a hand pointing an accusing finger towards the blond. "And don't tell me you're not because I'm not blind."

Pursing his lips firmly against one another he held his hand within the pages of his book closing it slightly, his posture straightened out a bit while amber hues trained themselves among your face. "Your awareness is bothersome."

Blinking quite a few times before eventually rolling your eyes, you rose from your seat placing the book on top of the wooden coffee table. "Glad to know that me being aware of my surroundings is bothersome to you," Scrunching up your face briefly afterward you raised a hand lightly tapping the side of your head with your finger. "I'll keep that in mind."

Turning right after uttering that you made your way towards the library's entrance, you figured that you'd spend enough painstaking minutes with the blond that your navy haired friend was missing you more than enough.

Watching you leave the library Dio remained seated, he wasn't about to get up and follow nor say anything. That wasn't exactly the type of person he was, instead, his gaze moved away from the library doors trailing across the coffee table before resting upon the book you'd been reading.

Leaning out of his seat to grasp the item he let out an airy laugh, "A woman with an appreciation for Shakespear," Eyeing the title he shook his head laughing once more, originally he assumed you'd be a snobby, prissy girl unable to hold her own.

But he was quickly proven wrong in that sense, sure you did irk him quite a lot for having just met but he knew that there could be some sort of potential, some sort of advantage he couldn't quite piece together at this point in time.

He knew he wanted to make the Joestars' life miserable, that was a fact, and knowing that you and Jonathan were close- could aid him in his endeavors.

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