Chapter 3

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"Hey, Jonathan wait up! I can't go up the hill that fast!" A whine tore through your lips having been struggling to climb the hill both yourself and Jonathan agreed to meet at.

The boy in question merely turned around waiting by the top, his faithful companion sat to his right wagging his tail excitedly.

"Come on (Y/N)! Just a little more!" Cupping his hands around his mouth the navy haired boy had called out some words of encouragement, a smile had been stretched out across his lips as well watching you continue to trudge up the hill.

It'd been a few days since the two of you had met but within those two days both of you have been hanging out much to both your parents' delight.

An instantaneous friendship blossomed quickly and to the naked eye, one could assume the two of you had been best friends since birth.

"You could've helped me." Reaching the top you didn't bother waiting for a response and instead chose to fall onto the soft looking blades of grass, the freshly cut smell of them instantly wafted through your nose.

Letting out a laugh at your response he let himself fall back onto the grass throwing his legs out while leaning back. Eyes drifting up towards the clouds slowly creeping across the vast blueness of the sky.

"I could've." You let out another whine in response, this one muffled by the ground. No other words left the navy haired boy nor yourself.

Remaining faced down on the grass for a minute or two you turned in place now laying on your back. Pieces of grass were haphazardly stuck to a few strands of hair but they didn't bother you all too much.

"Jonathan, what do you think you'll be doing later on in life?" Uttering out a random question you released a hum, gaze pulling away from the sky off towards your friend. "I mean like plans or something."

Hearing your question Jonathan pursed his lips together in thought. He hasn't really thought of the future much let alone what exactly he wanted to do, perhaps snippets or guesses but that's about it.

"Maybe become an archaeologist. I think that would be cool." Responding softly with that he nodded his head in addition, hands fiddling with the grass behind him. "What about you?"

Pursing your own lips in thought you tapped your fingers against the ground before moving to sit up, one of your hands moved to tug out some grass holding it in your palm.

"Wherever the wind takes me I guess." Moving your hand closer towards your face and blowing away the strands of grass, what little wind there was carried them farther down the hill.

Humming at your answer Jonathan spared a glance towards you, the thoughtful expression set out across your face was enough to tell him you were still thinking about the question itself.

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