Chapter 34

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Having been sitting next to Speedwagon for a bit your eyes flickered towards where Caesar sat then back towards Joseph, both of which seemed more than happy to ignore one another.

Looking back towards the brunette kneeling amongst the ground a soft laugh left you upon seeing an array of white birds perched on him, each cooing while making themselves at home. "The birds in this country sure are friendly. Can't say I like the men, though!" The last bit was clearly aimed towards Caesar.

Growing tired of the tension Speedwagon rose up from his spot, "Come, now! You've been introduced, so why can't you be civil? (Y/N) here seems to be the only one who has been trying to make an effort." Gesturing towards where you sat the man's gaze moved from one to the other.

Rising up from his spot as well Caesar turned towards where Speedwagon stood, "Allow me to be frank, Mr.Speedwagon. My grandfather died tragically fifty years ago. My father took up his torch and hunted the mask. We Italians have the strongest family bonds in the world. We are proud of tradition. I am no different." Raising a hand he jutted a thumb out gesturing towards Joseph. "But what about that man? You say he knew nothing of his grandfather until recently! Such irresponsibility!"

"Caesar. What he knows and doesn't know about his family could have it's reasons." Right away speaking in response to what he was saying a faint frown was gradually making its way onto your expression.

Before anything more could be said from either of you Speedwagon cut in, "I kept everything a secret from JoJo."

Releasing a hum Caesar adjusted the cuffs of his jacket, an uninterested look crossed his features. "Even so. He fought Straizo and one of the Pillar Men. So I wondered how tough he was and waited for him. I saw what he could do with hamon and was disappointed."

"His hamon is simply not enough." What the blond finished with was followed with a feeling of annoyance from you, it wasn't like Joseph was even purposefully trying to harm the blond- it was in a petty if not playful way. "His victory against the Pillar Man was blind luck for sure."

A hand was raised and Caesar pointed towards the brunette, "I will never work with him!"

"Caesar, stop." The tone of voice you'd used was harsh but it was beginning to feel like the man was ignoring everything anyone else said, rising up from your spot you moved over pushing his pointed hand down. "He hasn't been trained in hamon as much as you nor I have. Anyone with a keen sense and knowledge on that can tell."

"That's not the point-" "Alright enough of this." Feeling yourself get tugged back and moved to the side your eyes landed on Joseph who was now cracking his knuckles, an annoyed expression stretched out across his face. I'll show you with a good thrashing."

Watching as another poor unsuspecting girl was sucked into the fight both yourself and Speedwagon stood back, the older man seemingly wanting to interrupt before you raised a hand signalling him to stop.

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