Chapter 24

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The warm evening sun shone down on the four of you, the smell of freshly cut barley flowed through the air and the townspeople appeared blissfully unaware of what was and could happen.

"Everyone is hard at work. Things still appear peaceful. But I know Dio is around here somewhere." Keeping his eyes peeled for anything that may pop out at the group Jonathan remanded alert, since exiting the tunnel his posture remained tense yet fluent.

"He has to be, otherwise what was the point of dragging us out to some random town." Inputting your own thoughts and lacing your hands behind your back, you watched the buff male give a nod in agreement. "Which is why we have to keep an eye-" Your words were cut off by a high-pitched short scream leading you to turn sharply in place.

Eyes now trailing over the hunched over form of Speedwagon and Zeppeli fretting over the blond.

Turning around as well Jonathan spoke checking up on the two, "What happened?"

"Um, well, Speedwagon has been begging me for a while. So I thought I'd help him create just a little Hamon and my finger kind of slipped. I'm terribly sorry, Speedwagon" Hearing the raven haired man's explanation you couldn't help but facepalm, for being trained in the art of Hamon for so long a slip up like this wasn't something you'd expect.

"Are you alright Speedwagon?" Trailing over to kneel in front of the man you extended a hand offering it as some form of help, though the gesture was forgotten quickly as the sound of a rope being cut filled the air followed by a kid soaring over the ground snagging the bag beside the two of you.

"Hey!" Without much thought and knowing that the bag contained the group's funds you tracked through the water moving through it to the best of your abilities. A disgruntled huff left your lips upon watching Zeppeli prance by using ripples as stepping stools, but a noise of surprise left you upon being raised out of the water and onto Jonathans shoulder. The navy haired man also making an attempt to use his newfound hamon ability to cross. "Thanks."

Stopping once he'd reached the other side Jonathan softly set you down on the ground moving to deliver a hamon filled punch to the cliffside, the rocks in response appeared to vibrate in place before the child thief was knocked off the wall falling right into Jonathan's arms.

"Wow, nice catch!" Praising the man you couldn't help but give him a small round of applause stopping only as the kid began speaking.

"H-Huh? What's going on? Who are you?"

"Something's wrong with the boy. Did I use too much hamon?" Hearing Jonathan ask that you drew closer observing the kid yourself. Nothing seemed to scream 'danger' but there was certainly something about the situation that made you feel off.

"I don't think it's that. There's something else going on. Look around." Seemingly reading your mind Zeppeli threw his attention towards the setting sun, something the four of you really should've been paying more attention to considering who your enemies were.

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