Chapter 54

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There was a crash, followed by an headsplitting explosion- then came the ringing.

The rough rocky ground felt hot to the touch, extremely hot in fact that you didn't register the pillar of magma shooting out from an opening not too far away, the orange glow lit up the sky like a thousand fireworks before slinking back into the hole it'd come from.

Yells in pain and laughter soon filtered through your ears once the ringing had stopped and begrudgingly you pushed yourself up to sit, spotting Joseph standing along the edge of volcanoes opening.

A large smile was stretched out across the Joestars face and his eyes practically sparkled, arms outstretched to emphasize how he was feeling in that very moment. "We finally took down Kars!" Throwing his arms up the brunette trailed his gaze away from the bubbling magma towards Stroheim then over towards where you were, watching as you slowly rose up from the ground.

Without much thought he'd pushed away from the edge running over and swiftly resting his hands along your hips swinging you up into the air with a spin.

"We did it! We did it!" Cheering that out he could hear you let out your own small cheer laughing at how visibly excited he appeared. A blissful sigh left his lips and he gently moved to set you back onto the ground leaning forward to deliver a quick peck, something that might have been longer if not for the volcanoes rumbling.

"You two can kiss later! That shock triggered an eruption! We need to get to safety!" Reminding the two of you of what exactly was going on an awkward laugh left your lips in response to what Stroheim had said.

"Right right. Joseph, go help him." Taking the brunette's hands off from where they rested along the curve of your hips he let out a faint sigh smiling softly in response. Pulling his hands fully away and turning, Joseph leaned down to pick Stroheim's top half from the ground; seeing as that was the only thing that remained.

Beginning to walk away a rumble shook the ground beneath the three of you, one strong enough that it broke apart the rocky surface below causing a large crack to form. A bright multicoloured beam of light flickered from between the two large pieces of stone before something reflective shot out suddenly cutting off Joseph's left hand.

Just as surprised as Joseph, your eyes immediately followed where the light came from, seeing that it was from a blade, more specifically one of Kars's bone blades. The man emerged from between the crack fully free from it, and in what looked like some sort of stone armour. That of which began to crack, falling away to reveal the stern expression of Kars.


Moving to Joseph's side quickly you reached out wrapping your hand around what remained of his left arm, faint sparks trickled from your fingertips towards the exposed opening making their best attempt to stop the bleeding.

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