Chapter 82

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"And you said tripped onto pavement?" A nod was given to the doctor standing before you all the while he continued to look between the removed cloth and small scratch that was visible on your leg. "Have looked into blood test? People don't bleed this much from scratch that small...." The man trailed off and you couldn't help but laugh nervously.

"It must've closed over by the time we got here." Tapping your fingers across the fabric of your shorts your eyes trailed towards Joseph who sat in a chair not too far away, his arms were crossed and a shrug was given your way.

"Not much of reason to put anything on it now so I disinfect." Right away moving to grab a cotton swab and some disinfectant he wiped at the small papercut looking injury blinking a few times as if his eyes were playing tricks on him, the cut seemed to have faded away almost instantly once the cotton ball was swiped over. "Now we're done over here, what is your issue?"

Swiveling around and trailing towards Joseph the doctor's eyes lingered across the man's arm seeing the 'bug bite'. "Hmm...I'll take it off now." His words were instantaneous and it was a quick decision made by the doctor.

"Huh? What was that?!"

Pointing a hand towards Joseph's arm once more the doctor hummed, "Is very infected. Poison will spread if we no take off." Twisting around once more the doctor trailed towards where his tools rested.

"Can't you just give me some medicine and slap a bandage on it?" "No worry. I numb it. You feel no pain. No problem. You gonna be okay. Now, lie down please." Insisting on that after Joseph spoke, the doctor resumed what he was initially doing only pausing to motion towards the green clad bed.

Watching Joseph rise up from his chair and nervously sit down onto the bed you couldn't help but laugh softly. "Is someone scared?" Unable to help yourself from teasing the older man you scrunched up your nose, a smile tugging itself across your lips. "Do you need me to hold your hand?"

At the mention of that you watched him purse his lips together, the suggestion actually something he was considering and with a groan and half laugh from you, you trailed over dragging a chair towards his other side.

Watching you hold out an open hand Joseph hummed softly, a faint smile cracked across his lips. "I love you, you know that?"

"Yeah yeah, everyone does." Brushing off his comment you shook your head after wards huffing, face turning away from the man.

Rolling a tray over to rest beside Joseph the doctor began speaking once more, a medical mask and other things were now worn. "I study medicine in England. I also do the appendectomy." Raising a scalpel the doctor raised it up some more. "Uh-oh. Is a bit rusty. Well, no problem. All right. Let's go with the chopping."

"Oh man, I don't want to see you slice it off." Practically holding his breath Joseph's head turned away from the doctor, eyes closing.

Choosing to look away yourself you could feel Joseph squeezing your hand, something you would have laughed at if the man wasn't currently waiting for some quack doctor to slice open his weird infected bug bite.

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