Chapter 87

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"That's the card my Stand represents!"

As if on cue the ground began to shake as though an earthquake was happening, rocks began rolling around from the rumbling and even as your friends called out to run to the car- it didn't matter since another had bursted through the ground. Flinging the group's car away it landed heavily on the ground knocking everyone back, an aura of purple streaks emanated from it like a strong stench.

"No way! It burrowed up through the ground!" Polnareff's tone of voice was in disbelief, eyes wide and brows furrowed at what'd just happened. "I think it's safe to say that the car is definitely a Stand!"

"Well no shit sherlock! I thought we established this already!" Raising a hand you pointed towards the car, "The enemy Stand user has to be inside!" At the mention of that, the once tattered and rusty looking car began changing shape. Now in place of its front bumper were what seemed to be metal teeth and sharpened spikes.

Revving its engine the car began speeding over, the front tires squealing against the ground as it did so flinging up dust once again.

Stepping before the group, Jotaro eyed the speeding car, fist raised. "It wants to see who's stronger."

"Don't Jotaro! You can't fight it yet! We don't know what his Stand is capable of-" Before Joseph could finish what he was saying a noise filled the air, something similar to a spitball being shot and the ebony haired man before you stepped back. Bloody wounds now appeared on his body. "N-No way...I didn't see a thing...What did it shoot at me, and how?"

A series of cackles left the enemy, the car now excitedly swiveled back and forth. "Ya missed that? You'll figure it out soon...Once ya got a foot in the grave!" Pouncing forward, Wheel of fortune released another spitfire noise, this time around the shots hitting Polnareff and Kakyoin as they ran forward towards Jotaro.

"Anne stay with Joseph," Shoving the small girl towards where the older man stood you moved to run towards the injured three only stopping upon realizing the enemy's focus shifted. Manifesting your stand instantly the air before you became dense though that didn't stop whatever was being shot to douse you. The smell of it was horrendous and practically burned your nose, but you'd rather get soaked in whatever this was than shot like the others. "Holy fuck what even is that?!"

"(Y/N) are you okay?!" Calling out from his place even if he himself was shot Kakyoin's eyes trailed across your form seeing your multicoloured jacket glisten with something. "It looked like the Stand was shooting something but there's nothing in the wounds!"

"Don't worry about me, are you guys okay?" Scanning the two closest your gaze fell onto Jotaro, "Jotaro are you alright?

Not tearing his eyes away from the car he replied back, "Don't worry about me. More importantly...I can't tell what type of attack this is, but it had good accuracy..." Once again the car began revving its engine threateningly, hastily charging forward.

"I'll break yer legs so you can't escape, then trample you to death!"

Seeing it quickly shorten the distance Joseph called out towards everyone, a hand raising like a traffic conductor. "Everyone! Between the boulders!" Doing as what was instructed all six of you ducked between the two pieces of rock, the yells and threats of the enemy grew quieter yet a loud scraping noise was still present to signify it was beginning to dig once more.

"Stop fucking watching it dig through our only wall! Fucking run!" As much as you wanted to scold the others, your tone of voice sounded more urgent than anything, simply because the situation was urgent and they really didn't need to just stand there and watch. "You want to stay there-be my guest!"

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