Chapter 42

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Letting out a breath and wiping away the sweat accumulating among your forehead your eyes trailed across the polished floor. Most of the glass had been swept away courtesy of the large broom you'd found while what remained was just the candelabra you'd thrown at the woman.

Sweeping the remaining small pile of shards into a dustpan then picking up the candelabra you placed it back onto one of the tables, ears straining afterwards as a shrill scream echoed down the hallway.

Knowing that the scream was from your petite blond friend you turned sharply darting down the hall, the soles of your shoes squealed faintly at how fast you were turning corners eventually spotting the blond haired girl.

"There's a weirdo on the island!"

"Hey, you calling me a weirdo?!" Hearing the second voice speak up, your steps slowed, eyes trailing past the blond towards a familiar brunette; who at the moment was gesturing towards himself, face void of a mask.

"Suzi, you scared me. I thought you were in danger." Stepping closer to stand beside the girl you raised a hand resting it over your heart. "Though I have to agree there is a weirdo on the island. Has been here the whole month."

"Wha- (Y/N)?!" Gaping at the fact you agreed with Suzi in an instant he let out a whine. "Come on! Tell her it's me Joseph Joestar!" Pointing to himself he gave you a pleading look, something you couldn't help but snort at.

"Suzi this is JoJo, you know-" Moving to throw an arm around the girl and hold up your hand you covered the bottom half of his face from her view, an 'O' right away left her lips. "That Jojo."

Clueing in on what you were doing Joseph's own mouth formed an 'O' before he started speaking, "Ah right you haven't seen my face this entire time? And? Am I handsome?" Moving to lean against the wall you watched Joseph rest a hand on his hip.

"Weird lips."

Holding in a laugh as the comment left your friend, Joseph right away raised a hand the brunette speaking right after, "Even though my lips are weird, if we happen to fall in love. . .you could kiss them all you like!"

A laugh left Suzi, "In your dreams!" A hand reached up to pull at the sides of her mouth, the girl pulling a funny face which once again drew out a laugh from you.

"Alright Suzi, well now that I know you're not in danger why don't you continue what you were doing, alright? I'll take care of the island's residential weirdo." Voicing that you pulled your arm away from where it temporarily rested around her shoulder, a laugh left her lips but she didn't object knowing that you were right with her needing to continue what she was asked to do.

Stepping to the side to give her some space you caught the faint flicker of her gaze elsewhere moving your own to follow it only to be met with nothing.

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