Chapter 2

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Although having been fooling around outside with Jonathan and Danny for a while you and your family were invited to stay for dinner; the offer of which your father right away accepted now falling into a conversation that left the three adults in laughter.

All the while you and Jonathan sat across from one another sharing small stories, the two of you quickly opening up to one another despite only really being around one another for less than a day.

"So you had to panic clean the study? Why?" Pointing the tip of your fork towards the navy haired boy one of your brows arched upwards following up the question, the edge of your lip twitched as well curling into a subtle smile.

Finishing whatever piece of food was in his mouth Jonathan answered, "Well Danny got really muddy last summer and ran into the office shaking. Oh man, you should have seen the mess, it was like something exploded." Exaggerating the last bit he made a small hand gesture to emulate the 'explosion' bit.

"Danny? Doing that? I don't believe it, must've been a different dog." A grin found its way onto your expression upon saying that and Jonathan let out a laugh shaking his head at the comment.

"For all, I know you're the one that made the mess." Upon stating that you watched Jonathan choke on the glass of water he'd been drinking from, the beverage of which right away swished within its glass.

Laughter quickly bubbled up from you watching him try to regain his composure.

Watching the interaction from his seat at the table Mr.Joestar's lips curled into a warm smile, it was nice to see his son interact with someone and through one of the purest ways; laughter.

"(Y/N)." Catching your attention he waited for you to look over before continuing, his tone of voice sincere and soft. "Feel free to drop by whenever, you're welcome over any time."

Taking in his words you spared the older man a smile, "Thank you."

"And Jonathan," It was your mother who spoke this time calling out to the boy. "You're welcome over anytime as well. Don't be a stranger." Pointing a delicate finger towards him she smiled kindly, her words flowing ever so elegantly with one another.

"Of course." Patting his mouth with a napkin before speaking he gave the woman a nod, she was very kind with the offer as was his dad and he could only see the two of you hang out more after this.

"So what did you kids do while we were talking?" Speaking up your father leaned an elbow onto the table, his (E/C) hues bounced between yourself and Jonathan.

"Jonathan gave me a small tour of the house." Answering with that you pursed your lips into a line humming softly. "You have a very lovely house by the way Mr.Joestar. Very cozy." Finding yourself adding in a compliment about the house's atmosphere you watched the man grow a smile.

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