Chapter 9

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"How long's your business trip going to be?"

"Only a few days, but you'll be staying with the Joestars." Your mother chimed in quickly reaching out softly to pat the top of your head, both your parents were currently loading onto a carriage needing to attend to business elsewhere. "You'll be just fine."

Releasing a breath you nodded towards the older woman, "Have a safe trip." A smile was given towards what you'd said and the two bid their farewells having dropped you off before the large mansion of your friend.

Already having been shown where your room was going to be, you wandered around the house looking for your navy haired counterpart. You hadn't seen Jonathan all morning nor have you seen Danny which was odd seeing as the two of you would normally hang out for the day.

"Is something wrong (Y/N)?" turning your head towards who'd spoken your eyes landed on Mr.Joestars kind expression, a brow was raised slightly to go along with the question and you could only purse your lips together before speaking.

"I'm just looking for Jonathan, I wanted to see if he wanted to go apple picking." Humming that out and rolling onto your heels you laced your hands behind your back awaiting the older man's response.

"Ah, he left earlier this morning. I'm not sure where but I assume he's spending time with his friends." As soon as the words left his lips he could see your shoulders drop in response, a small almost unnoticeable frown had curled onto your lips. "But you could always invite Dio? I'm sure he'd gladly accompany you."

Before you could respond the older man chimed in once more, "I'd like for the two of you to become good friends." His words were truthful, he really did want you to become friends with the blond even if he was unaware of what was happening behind the curtains.

Not wanting to be a debbie downer you spared the older man a nod followed by a slight smile, "Alright, I'll invite Dio then. Do you have any idea where he is?" Asking that and waiting for a response Mr.Joestar simply stated that the blond should be in the library, a place you were very familiar with.

Not wanting to waste the day you dropped by the kitchen snagging a basket before making your way towards the library. Sure you didn't want to hang out with the blond but a part of you figured- why not. Jonathan dipped without so much as a simple goodbye and yeah you felt annoyed that he did so, but also figured that he could hang out with other people too.

Coming across the large open library doors and peering in your eyes trailed across the various book filled shelves coming quickly to rest upon the boy in question, his attention had shifted almost instantaneously towards where you stood, amber hues now waiting for whatever you were about to say.

"I couldn't find Jonathan so I'm asking you if you want to go maybe pick some apples with me." Stating that quickly and remaining by the doorway you watched him process what you'd said, his face remained plain before he spoke.

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