Chapter 79

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"I'da expected a fella with such a rough mug to go down a bit harder! Then again, I suppose some folks gotta have a sad endin'." Letting the cigarette fall from his lips and onto the floor Hol Horse stepped on the embers. "It ain't exactly uncommon fer someone to bite the dust before sayin' goodbye. I bet it sounds like I've dealt with this firsthand, but..."

Wiping away the streams of tears from his face Polnareff stalked towards the man, Kakyoin calling out right after. "Polnareff! Don't let him get to you! Don't you get it?! Mr.Avdol told you not to fight by yourself! But you ignored him...You wanted revenge, even if it meant dying alongside your enemy! (Y/N) and Mr. Avdol followed you because they were worried and now look what happened!"

"Just what do you expect me to do now?" Clenching his jaw, Polnareff's eyes remained focused on Hol Horse, the rims of them red from crying.

"We have to retreat." Looking up towards the red haired man as he spoke you sucked in a breath wiping away your own tear trails. You knew what Kakyoin was getting at but with what had just happened?

"Avdol was mercilessly stabbed in the back...My sister was killed without hesitation...Yet you still expect me to hold these regrets inside and run away?"

Continuing to try and persuade the french man into retreating, Kakyoin's lilac hues fell on you, he could tell you wanted to fight just as much as Polnareff did- but he could also tell you didn't want to jump into this blind.

"(Y/N)." Calling your name faintly Kakyoin's gaze met your own in a non-verbal conversation, his momentarily darting towards where an unused truck was all the while jutting a head towards Polnareff.

'Watch him' was what you interpreted the motion as and with a nod of your own the redhead ran off. Rising up from the ground your attention moved towards Polnareff who'd been staring into a window, a stand could clearly be seen in the reflection but nothing was on the outside. "Avdol died to keep you alive. I bet you really feel like you owe him something, huh? He would still be among us, if not for you."

"W-why you...Where's your user?!" Snapping his head towards where Hol Horse stood, blue hues darted across the vacant street.

"Polnareff, you need to calm down. Think things through." Chiding that out right away you stepped into the man's peripheral, tone of voice soft and hopefully something that he could use to ground himself.

"Really though, there's no need to be sad. You should be thrilled! You'll be reunited shortly." The Stand drifted between where you stood and where Polnareff stood in the reflection, a blade was attached to its hand. "I'll kill you, and then you can join those fools you hold dear in the next world! Your little sister was an absolute darling, Polnareff!"

"Once you and your sister are reunited, you should ask her...How exactly I killed her!" This was his last straw and despite your protests Silver Chariot emerged, shattering the window in front of him, although the voice didn't stop. "Do you know why your Chariot cannot cut down my Hanged man?"

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