Chapter 5

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Since the bully incident, you and Jonathan both became busy for a few days. You with your parents and Jonathan with studying is what your guess was.

A few of your father's colleagues dropped by the house for dinner here and there chatting with you and checking in on how everything's been. Now although the man dressed and acted oddly he has been quite helpful throughout the past years, even vowing to help out wherever he could.

But enough about him, onto what you were currently doing.

Knocking firmly against the large wooden doors of the Joestar estate you waited patiently. You'd assume Jonathan has been studying a lot and practicing for tests, so you figured that along with popping by to see how he was doing you'd help him study.

"Ah, Ms.(L/N). It's been a while." One of the family's butlers had opened the door almost instantaneously stepping to the side allowing you entry.

"It has." Nodding your head and giving the older man a smile you tapped your fingers against the fabric of your skirt. "Is JoJo home?" Asking that and awaiting a response the man let out a hum.

"He should be in the library studying. Do you know where that is?" Nodding your head yes at the question you watched the man nod as well closing the main door behind you.

Thanking the butler before beginning to walk down the hall your eyes trailed across the area, the house's atmosphere felt different and you weren't sure exactly why. It was also a bit odd that Danny hadn't come to greet you yet, but that was probably due to the large canine being with his owner.

Turning down another hall you stopped mid-step, someone else standing by the other end of the hall seemed to have stopped walking, their eyes now narrowing in on where you stood. Remaining quiet while taking in the unfamiliar boy you observed his appearance.

Unlike Jonathan, he had bright blond hair and striking amber eyes, that of which still stared you down almost as though you were a robber breaking in.

"Who are you and why are you in the house?" Hearing his loud voice call out from the other end of the hallway your brows could only knit together in confusion.

"I could ask you the same thing." Crossing your arms and responding with that you watched him begin walking over, each step full of purpose and loud almost as though he was trying to intimidate you.

"I live here. Now answer my question." watching him close the distance rather quickly you now stood before the blond, one of his hands rested against his waist in an impatient manner while amber hues remained firmly fixated on you.

"I'm here to see Jonathan and I wasn't aware that another person lived here beside him and Mr.Joestar." Keeping your arms crossed and demeanor unbothered you stared back at the boy with equal intensity.

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