Chapter 14

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Having headed back to your own estate you arrived just in time to see your parents exiting their carriage, bags stacked on top and the two were in the process of taking them down and taking them inside.

Wanting to lend a hand you ended up bringing a few of the bags into the house, much to their appreciation.

"How was the trip?"

Trailing behind the taller (H/C) haired woman with a suitcase in hand you waited for a response. Both your parents seemed utterly drained from the trip but that was presumably due to the long carriage ride they had to endure.

"It was long and boring if I'm going, to be honest." Letting out a sigh and swinging open the bedroom door your mother set the bag she had in hand down proceeding afterward to take yours, slotting it beside the other one. "Nothing too interesting."

Taking a seat along the edge of her bed she let out a hum before focusing her attention on where you stood, "What about you? Did anything happen while we were gone?" Both her brows raised and lowered in a suggestive manner which merely caused you to roll your eyes in response.

"Nothing happened, I just hung out with Dio most of the time." Answering with that you could tell she was waiting for some more detail on what'd happened. "Jonathan ignored me most of the time to hang out with someone else- which is why I hung out with Dio."

The edges of her lips downturned at the added statement, "That's not something I'd picture Jonathan doing, but it's nice that you and Dio were able to become closer." Lacing her hands together on top of her lap she let out a long hum, "Have you tried talking with Jonathan?"

"Sort of?" Moving to lean against the doorway you crossed your arms over one another, a long sigh left through your nose upon seeing the woman's thoughtful expression. "It's hard to do so when he was barely around."

Unlacing her hands and resting one below her chin the older woman let out a hum, her mind circled through different things you could do as well as different words of advice she could give you. "Is he usually around before dinner time?"

"Most of the time, why?"

"Then just drop by after dinner, talk to him then." Clasping her hands together as though it was a million-dollar idea she nodded to herself. "I'd hate to see the two of you drift apart after seeing how close you were. I even began to see him as my future son-in-law"


"What? I assumed it would be Jonathan but if you prefer Dio then that's perfectly fine by me as well." The smile was still ever present across her expression and you could only groan at her response. "They're both very lovely boys."

Keeping her attention on where you stood she could tell you agreed with her last statement, she hasn't exactly seen the way you interact with Dio nor has she heard you talk about him apart from complaining.

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