Chapter 27

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Having been left within one of the many rooms the faint smile instantly dropped from your expression once the blond had left. You knew he wasn't falling for your sudden interest but hasn't pointed it out in any way shape or form.

"I'll be back my dear." With those few words he left the room closing the door behind him, the cold air from before made itself present once again before candles sparked to life around the edges of the room.

Waiting till his footsteps grew farther away you trailed towards the door trying the handle, "Of course." Huffing to yourself upon finding that it was locked your head turned to scan the rest of the room.

You assumed this must've been the room you were first brought into due to the lack of candelabra amongst one corner of the room.

Moving around and checking what the other doors led to you were met with a closet and bathroom.

Pursing your lips into a fine line your eyes trailed around once more lingering on the window, the deep violet curtains were pulled closed but the minimal light from outside managed to peek through.

A lightbulb turned on instantly and wordlessly you stepped over yanking the curtains aside. Golden dividers and glass made up the majority of the window making it appear similar to stained glass, although there were a few larger sections that you figured had potential.

Scanning the room once more a candelabra once again found itself in your grip, the tall wax candles removed and only the metal base remained. Holding the base like a baseball bat you wound back taking a swing at one of the bigger pieces of glass.

A loud clanging noise resonated from the two making contact and it appeared as though you'd hurt your wrists more than the window itself. "Oh for god's sake." Dropping the candelabra and rubbing your wrists a frown had begun to make its way onto your lips.

There was a good few seconds to which you remained still, ears straining to hear if anyone or anything heard the noise you made.


Pacing around the room once more in search of something else that could be of use, you tugged at the small stool that'd been tucked away underneath the room's vanity. Holding one of the chair's legs in hand and winding up like before you froze just before the two could make contact.

Your blood ran cold at the sound of the door opening and a loud sigh sounded after, "Ah, and to think I wouldn't have to do anything rash this early on." Tutting sounded right after and before you knew the stool was pulled from your grip, tossed aside like nothing but a piece of garbage.

"I was just-" "Just what? Trying to break the window and escape?" Cutting you off, the blond shoved you forward using his weight to press you into the window, cheek resting against the cool surface while he stared out it as well. "You know even if you did, we're so high up that you'd be nothing but a splat amongst the ground."

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