Chapter 55

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A low sigh escaped through the gap between your lips, eyes unfocused and hands tapping against the rough surface of your desk.

Though the classroom walls bore large windows, the majority of the seats stationed beside it were occupied, everyone wanting a window seat to sit beneath the warm morning rays.

Outside the sky remained a vibrant blue, only a few strands of white clouds trailed through breaking the nearly perfect sky. The scenery outside contrasted sharply against the inside of the classroom, while the outside world promoted creativity the rooms inside remained a gray hue.

Practically sucking out the life from it's students.

But now speaking of students, you couldn't help but drag your gaze away from the window drifting across the uncleaned chalkboard before settling on clustered students. Each socializing with their own groups and clicks as if nothing in the world bothered them.

Which could be true for most of them.

You couldn't help but become envious of their friendships. Yours for the most part majorly revolves around who was already friends with your new body previously, they were superficial and in honesty, you tried your best to ignore them making an attempt to form new bonds.

It was tough though, not nearly as tough as going through school again for the third time, however.

Now that really was just bad luck on your part.

Folding your arms onto the desk before you and leaning down to rest your head against them a faint hum left you. Your fingers itched to grab the headphones hanging around your neck and block out the room's noise, but you knew better and class was going to start soon anyway.

Dragging a nail through some of the desks grooves, the school's loud bells chimed alerting it's students that class was about to start.

Each person now flocking to and from classrooms looking for their designated one. Their conversations long forgotten, now being replaced by the need to avoid being late.

Eyeing the teachers as they strolled in you could already tell today's lesson was going to drag on, the layer of thick folders tucked under their arm told you enough.

And you were proven correct when the short old man droned on the whole time, only stopping once the lunch bell had rung dismissing class for a purgatory like period to refuel and socialize once more.

Shoving whatever was brought out for the lesson back into your bag and throwing it over your shoulder, you filed out of the room like many others. The crowded halls on the other side assimilated you into the flow instantly, only parting once you'd gotten to where your locker was.

Grumbling to yourself about the gradually accumulating pile of homework you decided now would be a good time to put your headphones on surrounding yourself with the melodic tunes of whatever you'd paused it on.

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