Chapter 68

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Standing up from where she sat, the girl eyed the group in front of her, a pocket knife now being brandished as your companions began interrogating her.

"Guys I don't think she's the stand user. If she was she would've been able to see them." Pointing that out you rose up from the ground properly, your clothes had become heavy from the water they retained.

"But-" "So is this girl our stowaway?" A loud voice had cut Joseph off instantly drawing everyone's attention as a large burly man approached the girl, hands coming to grip her shoulders.


Wrestling the knife away from the girl, the captain spoke. "I'm pretty strict when it comes to stowaways. Even though you're just a girl, if I go easy on you. It will only encourage other stowaways." The knife fell from her grip as the man twisted her wrist awkwardly. "We'll just hold you in a room below deck until we reach port."

"Captain...I have to ask, but did you verify the identities of all ten men on board?" Wanting to double check something Joseph called out to the question asking this.

"Of course, they're all veterans who have sailed on this vessel for ten years. I can't say I understand why this has you so worried." Stepping closer towards the group he eyed everyone, "By the way..." Right away the captain reached out, snatching the cigarette Jotaro had lit, now holding it between his fingers.

"Please refrain from smoking on this ship. What were you planning to do with the ashes and butt when you finished? Were you going to toss them into this beautiful ocean? You're a guest on this ship, so you must follow her rules...Mr.Outlaw." Raising the cigarette up he rubbed the end of it into one of the pins on Jotaro's hat.

The ebony haired man was clearly refraining himself from doing anything drastic, watching as the captain dropped the rest of the squashed cigarette into his uniform pocket. "You got it?" Pointing towards Jotaro while saying that he turned after, beginning to trailing away from the delinquent.

"Hold it." Halting the man from walking any further Jotaro continued, hands shoved into his pockets. "You could've just put it out and been done with it. Don't be a condescending prick about it, you asshole."

"Hey, Jotaro! Quit being rude to the captain! This was your fault." Scolding his grandson, Joseph raised his hands motioning towards the man.

"I'm not done being rude just yet. This guy's not the captain. I figured it out. He's the Stand user!" Declaring that Joseph's eyes focused on the supposed caption, who at the moment was questioning what the ebony haired man was saying.

Raising his hands Avdol spoke, "That is inconceivable, Jotaro! Captain Tennille came recommended with verification by the Speedwagon Foundation! He is completely trustworthy!" "Now hold on Avdol," Raising a hand to stop anything else the man wanted to add, your attention trailed towards Jotaro. "Elaborate."

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