Chapter 64

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Having been seated at the table for some time the group slipped into a few different conversations, the atmosphere becoming more light hearted than it was before.

Reaching out to grasp the cup your green tea resided in you paused watching someone raise the pot filling the cup back up. Turning your attention towards who the culprit was, you watched Kakyoin do the same for Jotaro before filling his own cup back up, the redheads' gaze turning to meet yours. "It's customary to fill the cups of those around you before refilling your own."

Moving the teapot closer towards the edge of the table he raised the lid off of it explaining once more, "This is a sign to let them know we'd like some more tea. If you do this in Hong Kong, they'll bring more." At the mention of that, a woman trailed over refilling the table's teapot.

"Also when they refill your tea or bring more-" Tapping his fingers onto the table Kakyoin smiled towards the server. "-this means 'thank you'."

"A man of culture," Musing that out and raising a hand under your chin your eyes lingered across Kakyoin's face. "Where do you learn all this?"

Raising a hand and resting his cheek into it the redhead spared you a cheeky smile, "It's just something I picked up to impress certain people." Observing your expression he couldn't help but laugh faintly at how you tore your gaze away taking in a breath, though neither of the two were enough to hide the rosy sheen your face now had.

"Excuse me, do you have a moment?" Turning towards a new voice that'd called out your eyes landed on a man nearing the table, one of the restaurant's red menus was held in hand. "I'm a tourist from France, you see. I'm having a hard time understanding the menu. Could ya help a guy out?" Closing the menu his face was now fully in view.

The man's silvery white hair was styled in a tall flat top fashion, while strong brow bones sat beneath the hairline making up for his lack of eyebrows. Two halves of one broken heart dangled from his ears and a simple outfit of white pants and some sort of tube top were worn.

"Talk about annoying. Fuck off." "Jotaro! Be nice!"

Sparing you a thankful glance for calling out the ebony haired man, Joseph waved a hand towards the newcomer taking the menu from his hands. "It's fine. I've been to Hong Kong countless times. I should be able to read the menu. Why don't you join us?" Motioning towards the table's empty seat Joseph smiled warmly at the man.

Opening up the menu Joseph spoke once more, "So, what did you want to order? Food with shrimp, duck, shark fin and mushrooms?" Raising a hand after saying that he called a waiter over proceeding to point to a variety of things on the menu.

"Was there a point in asking a preference? Or were you just going to get whatever from the get go?" Calling that out from across the table you watched the older man flash you a smile closing up the menu.

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