Chapter 39

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"Come on (Y/N)! If you want to be able to maintain a steady flow then you need to be able to do this!" Yelling out from where she stood along the beaches shore the woman let out a long sigh watching you slap the surface of the water in annoyance.

"I'm trying!" Calling that back you dipped your hands into the water once more, sparks of yellow surrounded a small section and as your hands raised out of the surface did you watch yet another water orb pop within seconds.

A groan right away bubbled up your throat and in that moment you just wanted to throw in the towel and call it a day.

You didn't think maintaining the form of a water blob would be that hard- but it was hella hard, the small ball never lasted more than thirty seconds before popping, making you start from the beginning all over again.

Raising both hands to drag down the length of your face, you glanced up towards the sun which was high up in the sky, it's bright rays illuminated the crystal blue water you were currently stationed in displaying a much calmer surface than what it usually was.

Finishing up with your quick tantrum you began trying once more, the next few blobs lasted longer than the rest and yet still popped before a minute could be achieved.

What were you doing wrong?

Dropping down into the water till just your head stuck out an aggravated sigh left your lips, the air dragged itself across the waters surface leaving ripples behind. (E/C) hues trailed towards where Lisa Lisa stood finding out quickly that her attention was elsewhere. Following her line of sight your own eyes found the forms of Joseph and Caesar, their own teacher much like yours was stationed on the beach's shore while they were in- or rather on the water.

The two appeared to have been practicing some sort of concentration as well in order to remain above surface level with ease.

It's been a bit since you'd properly chatted or done anything with the two, sure all of you have been busy training but that was about it.

Unknowingly your body began sparking, the small flecks of hamon bounced between you and the water's surface, something unbeknownst to you.

Rising out of the water to stand once more your hands made quick work of the liquid around you cupping one quickly into your hand, the orb this time wobbled only momentarily before a net of white sparks flattened over the top leaving behind what was essentially a water balloon without the rubber.

Not even registering that you made a proper water sphear you wound your arm back, eyes bouncing between the blond then brunette before deciding to make the former your target. Allowing the water to slide from your hand you watched it soar through the air at a quick speed before inevitably exploding against the back of the Caesars head.

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