Chapter 97

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"Damn it feels like decades since we've been able to check into a hotel." A long sigh left your lips as you fell back onto one of the room's two beds, it's soft mattress and plush covers right away cushioned your form instantly.

Glancing towards where you laid the redhead who'd been assigned your roomie for the night let out a laugh, "It has been awhile." His eyes trailed across you for a minute before a soft laugh left him upon seeing how you were so close to falling asleep already. "Shouldn't you change into Pajamas before crashing?"

"Pajamas sound like a 'I'll deal with it later' thing." Rolling over onto your stomach the words were muffled into the covers, your whole body practically refused to move from the soft confines of the bed. But you did end up pushing up from it at the recollection of something, "Wait Kakyoin, you got injured didn't you?"

Twirling the strand of hair in front of his face the redhead pursed his lips together, "I like to think Hierophant took the brunt of it."

"You and Hierophant are connected though."

"I'm going to go change into pajamas. I'll be right back." Hearing him state this you watched him walk across the room towards the bathroom, the redhead returning soon after wearing a matching set of purple striped pajamas.

Seeing that you were still waiting for a proper response he let out a sigh, "I didn't even know your stand could heal. I mean it's very diverse so I shouldn't have expected any less from it." Although he didn't want you to overexert yourself knowing that the sun's heat rays from earlier caused the groups fatigue- he couldn't help but be curious. "So in saying that, I'm curious on how it works exactly."

His words excited you a bit since now you had another person to explain the newfound ability to, instantly you patted the bed beside you beckoning him over. "It's still work in progress and I've only really used it on myself, Joseph and Jotaro once- both of them making fun of it a bit but whatever."

Intrigued as to why the two presumably teased you about something such as this he trailed over taking a seat, lilac hues watched as you right away sandwiched one of his hands between your own. It was subtle at first, the faint vibration your hands emitted before it gradually grew, a quiet nearly unnoticeable humming noise reached his ears as well.

"Wait," Raking through his brain for why the feeling was so familiar, it seemed to click. "Are you purring?"

Pursing your lips at the question, your gaze remanded downwards, "Perhaps. . ." Trailing off your attention snapped up at the sound of gentle laughter, something that didn't seem like it was meant to mock you in any way but it was laughter nonetheless. "Is something wrong if I do?"

"Oh no no, actually quite cute." Right away holding a hand over his mouth to prevent anymore laughter from slipping out his lips remained pulled into a gentle smile. "And fascinating. I take it you're using the idea that a cat's purring can promote the body's natural healing and amplifying it?" He could tell right away from the way your expression lit up that he was right on the money.

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