Chapter 38

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Sitting amongst the lush green grass your eyes trailed around the area awaiting Lisa Lisa's arrival. You were instructed to rest for the remainder of the day after Suzi was finished patching you up but were informed you'd be meeting with your teacher in the morning, specifically in the courtyard.

A conduit was what you were told she was going to get. What was it going to be? You were unsure of.

Picking at some of the nearby grass you perked up at the sound of steps approaching, your head right away turning in that direction to see the woman you'd been waiting for making her way over.

"Good morning." Raising a hand and waving it softly towards her she nodded her head in response, a faint smile crawled onto her expression.

"Good morning to you too." Stopping in front of where you sat the woman's eyes scanned your form before making a gesture for you to stand. "I take it you had a good night's rest?"

Nodding your head at that you rose to your feet quickly, patting away any grass that stuck to your pants. "I did. It was pretty quiet too, you must have Caesar and Joseph training real hard." At the mention of the two Lisa Lisa briefly flickered her gaze towards the tower behind you, said building currently containing the two men.

"They're making progress which is good, but it is only the beginning." Responding back with that, her attention right away returned to why she'd asked you to come outside. "But on other matters I have something for you to use and incorporate into your own training." Reaching behind her the woman uncliped something from her belt.

The deep violet colour of it was what first caught your attention followed by the bright yellow strands woven into the item. Holding it in her hand the woman flicked it out slightly revealing that it was a whip and that the yellow strands were her own hamon flowing through the fibers.

"It'll help you channel your energy in one place. You may have good control over it but it doesn't hurt to have something to aid you." Twisting herself around to face where a few barrels rested she reeled her hand back flicking the whip forward, it snapped against the barrel loudly before the wood came apart in some small explosion.

Mouth open in surprise at how much of a punch it packed. Your eyes lingered over the small bits of wood before moving back towards your teacher.

"You'll need to practice with it everyday in order to properly use it. Weapons such as a whip have a high chance of snapping back and injuring it's user- but can also be one of the most versatile things." Explaining that she pulled in the tail of it offering you the handle. "I want to see if it's a good fit for you."

Hesitantly accepting the handle you felt how tightly woven it was, no cloth was covering it leading you to assume that's how hamon was able to travel through it easily.

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