Chapter 90

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"Come now, Master Joestar. This is my hotel..." Having led the group through the down, the old woman gestured behind her towards a tall building. "I'll lead the way. Please follow me. Just twenty years ago, one of those 007 films was shot at this small hotel. John Lennon from the Beatles stayed here once."

"What? For real?!" "No, not at all." Instantly the woman crushed whatever excitement Polnareff had, "But I like to think I run a nice hotel. We currently have no other guests staying with us. Will meat for dinner be fine with you? Or would you prefer fish-" "Hold it, old lady. Just now, I heard you say 'Joestar'. Where did you hear that name?" It was a very good catch on Jotaro's part- you yourself hadn't even caught that.

"Come now, sir! That person there said 'Mr.Joestar' just a moment ago!"

Pointing to himself in surprise Polnareff raised his brows, "What? Me? Well, I could have..." "You certainly did! When you've been in customer service for many years, you pick up on people's names quickly. I'm certain of it!" She was too quick to jump on what he'd said and you couldn't help but find yourself scanning the woman's small frame.

"Ma'am, if you don't mind me asking- but what happened to your left hand?" Popping out from beside Jotaro you watched the woman's gaze trail over towards where you stood, a familiar spark shone behind them before she quickly held her bandaged hand.

"Oh, this? I just burned it a little...It's probably because of my old age, but I accidentally spilled boiling water on it. I guess I'm just not as young as you anymore." Laughter left her after answering your question and once more you couldn't help but find the response fishy.

Watching the woman laugh along with something Polnareff had said the group gradually stepped into the hotel, it's interior easily rivaled the exterior having been nicely cleaned and brightly lit up.

Moving to sign into the guest book like the others, Jotaro right away swiped the pen from you, a questioning look was given his way but you felt as though you could trust what he was doing.

"Oh! Well then...I'll show you to your rooms." Motioning towards you all to follow she as mentioned- gave each of you rooms, though four out of five of you decided to remain in one for the time being.

Sitting cross legged among the bed you rested your chin in the palm of your hand, eyes lingering across the room before landing on Kakyoin and Joseph. "Any luck with the TV?"

"Unfortunately no, it's unable to get any signal." Sighing that out, Kakyoin continued to fiddle around with the device, its black and white static screen remained ever present despite his efforts and eventually a long breath left him in defeat.

"And without a signal I can't use Hermit Purple." Falling back onto the bed in an exaggerated manner Joseph ran his hands down his face, the man was clearly tired but so was the whole team.

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