Chapter 59

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Once again finding yourself a bit too early for the school bell, a long sigh left through your nose, your eyes trailed across the lush greenery before this time around deciding to take a seat on one of the school's many stone benches.

Yesterday's interactions with Joseph left you feeling upbeat, excited even though you knew it would be weird to begin dropping by only to hang out with the old man- it would be incredibly weird in fact, so you figured you'd keep it to a minimum.

Swinging your legs beneath the bench and just simply basking in the sunlight your eyes trailed towards someone passing by, a folded piece of paper fell out of their bag from how briskly they'd been walking.

Feeling like the stranger would appreciate not missing a piece of potential homework you hopped off the bench picking it up and calling out. "Hey! Excuse me! You dropped something!" Running over towards where they stood you extended the paper their way trailing your gaze up their green uniform before landing on their red hair.

Watching him turn in place lilac hues right away trailed across your face before spotting the paper extended out his way.

"Ah, I hadn't noticed I'd dropped something." Musing that out smoothly he reached out taking the folded piece of paper from you, eyes moving back to linger across your face. "Thank you....?"

Failing to clue in for a second or two you realized he was waiting for a name, with an awkward laugh you answered, "(Y/N). It's (Y/N), and you are?" returning the question you watched him retain a neutral expression before replying back.

"Kakyoin Noriaki," Glancing to the side, his gaze returned quickly after. "(Y/N) is a very pretty name, but I'd expect nothing less from someone with your appearance." There was something about the way the sentence didn't seem to suit him that struck you as odd, sure the compliment was fine but. . .you couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Uh, thank you. I think your name's quite nice too." Rolling onto your heels and trying to come up with an excuse to leave the school bell brought one up instead. "Ah well, time for class then. Guess I'll see you around."

Sparing the red haired man a wave you began strolling towards the main entranceway, breaking out into a jog once you'd turned a corner.

It wasn't that you didn't like talking to the red haired man, it was just that every bone in your body suddenly rubbed against one another in the wrong way. The being stuck with you even began buzzing within your head, the subtle static sound it made in agreement to your suspicion was comforting.

Sitting in class for a second or two your mind wandered off elsewhere, the teacher's lecture droned on and on melting into the air like nothing. It really wasn't till one of your classmates nudged your arm did you snap out of your daydreaming.

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