Chapter 22

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"Jonathan, you idiot." Letting out a long sigh you shifted uncomfortably atop the wooden chair you'd dragged over, hands clutching a wet towel that you attempted to use to cool down the navy haired man all the while accidentally drenching the sleeves of your shirt.

After watching the mansion turn into a fiery inferno both yourself and Speedwagon couldn't help but stand by idly and watch the fight progress eventually being there when Jonathan was shot out of the house barely conscious- leading to the three of you now taking refuge elsewhere recovering from any injuries sustained.

"Ah, excuse me." Turning your head towards the room's door and seeing that it was cracked open your eyes right away settled on the form of a blond woman, her hands carried a new bowl of water and it appeared as though she was there to take your spot.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'll leave him to you then." Pushing yourself off the chair and setting the towel aside, you watched her let out a soft hum, the both of you swapping places before she looked towards where you stood.

A sense of familiarity sparked up between the two of you for a mere second.

"Erina?" The name slipped out from between your lips and it appeared as though the woman's smile grew, a nod was spared in confirmation and her blue hues lit up.

"And you're (Y/N)? Wow, you look amazing."

"You do too." Quickly returning the compliment it seemed as though the two of you maintained eye contact for a minute or two unsure of how exactly to continue or if the conversation needed to be continued.

"Well, I should let you do whatever it is you came here to do. I just didn't want JoJo to overheat." Your concern was clearly shown through the way your eyes flickered towards the man and without much thought, she'd reached out resting a hand on your shoulder.

"You go and rest. He's in good hands."

Sparing the woman another nod you slipped out into the hall releasing a sigh, although your eyes right away trailed to the side seeing the form of another person lurking by a window. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Shouldn't you be too?" Firing back the blond let out a hum, his cane was slightly raised into the air pointing over towards where you stood in a mock accusing manner before his attention trailed out a nearby window. "I was just heading out to get some fresh air. Care to join me?"

Pursing your lips a soft hum left you, "If you don't mind of course. I could use some fresh air too." Seeing him turn in place you found yourself walking alongside the man trailing outside till the night's brisk air nipped against the skin of your face.

"A man's encounters are woven by the fates..." Hearing Speedwagon declare that you couldn't help but spare the man a curious glance, your attention shifting away from the moon above towards where he stood.

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