Chapter 70

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Sitting amongst one of the beams sticking out of the ship you couldn't help but shudder faintly.

Something didn't feel right.

"Hey, I'm going to go check on the others real quick." Speaking to whoever had been closest-which in this case was Jotaro, you pushed off the beam running off. Your shoes tapped loudly against the metal flooring as you ran through the hallway.

Stopping briefly, your hand outstretched towards the wall resting onto it, your stand once again trailing though the ship before detecting a consistent disruption. "A shower?" Pursing your lips together while thinking about where it was you began trailing towards it, the steam from said thing gradually snuck into the hall as you grew closer.

"Anne?" Calling out into the steamy room you received a 'yeah?' in response. "Just wanted to see how you were doing, are the showers good?" Casting your eyes around the room they flickered towards where the girl's head peaked out from, her hair was sudsy from washing it.

"You should take one too." Stating that she casted her eyes across your form, "You look like you need one." At that you couldn't help but laugh, her comments really were just harmless and if anything you found it cute.

Watching her tug the curtains closed and retreat back into the shower you shook your head. "You might be right there." Musing that out and trailing towards the shower on her left you reached out turning on the water before beginning to unbutton your shirt.

Undoing a good half of the buttons you let out a long breath, women's clothing was such a hassle sometimes.

Moving to undo the rest you froze in place, every bone in your body suddenly felt overwhelmed by the air around the room, and without thinking you reached out cranking up the shower to it's hottest setting. A growing shadow seemed to grow behind you eventually consuming your own shadow.

A huff of air caressed the back of your neck and upon turning slightly could you see that it'd been the same orangutan from before, "I knew there was something up with you." It's beady black eyes stared down at you though the steam of the shower, it's mouth was open and it was....salivating?

Watching it raise one of its hands you didn't wait to see what it was planning to do, instead reaching up to yank the showerhead forward. The hot metal and water burned against your skin but not nearly as much as you assumed it burned the orangutans face.

The primate let out a shriek from the hot water, fangs bared while it's hands raised to cover it's face.

"What the hell was that?!" Seeing that the apes attention trailed towards the girl you'd been with you lurched forward to try and make it to her first.

"Anne! Get out of here!" The fabric of your shirt could be felt getting yanked back and a tearing noise could barely be heard over the running water. Stumbling forward your eyes right away spotted Anne barely covering herself up with a towel, the girls eyes were wide upon seeing the large animal. "Anne!"

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