Chapter 40

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Running through the marbled hallway your mouth opened and closed trying to take large intakes of air, you didn't expect to be running late for training- after having done it for the past few days. Yet here you were, accidentally sleeping in only to wake up panicked.

Swinging open the doorway of the room you recalled the lesson being in you paused in place seeing that Lisa Lisa was facing the door, arms crossed and expression similar to that of an annoyed parent.

"I know, I know I'm late. I slept in and it won't happen again." Right away speaking before she could, you leaned your body down a few times in an apologetic bow, something you hoped that would appease the woman somewhat.

Pressing her lips firmly together she eyed you for a moment or two, her furrowed brows relaxing slightly as she did so. You'd been training hard, harder than necessary considering the fight itself wasn't even something you needed to be involved with, she gave you props there.

Unfolding her arms she nodded her head softly, "I'll overlook it this time. You've been progressing well so it's the least I can do."

Making a follow me motion with her hand she turned trailed towards the room's balcony, her hand pointed down towards a building below. "You will be joining Joseph and Caesar today. They've already started but it seems as though nobody has run into anyone yet."

Raising a brow at what the woman was saying she released a hum beginning to explain, "The goal of this exercise is to be ready at any given moment. Joseph, Caesar and Loggins are currently roaming around that building. You will join them making the total number of people four, whoever you run into first will be your opponent and you're only allowed to fight one person."

"Now whether you win or lose doesn't matter, it is merely an exercise."

Nodding your head along to what she was saying, you purse your lips before raising a hand like a preschooler would, "Am I allowed to use weapons?"

"For this exercise it'll be just you, no additional items. You and your technique. Does that make sense?" Watching you nod once more in understanding she then made a shooing motion with her hands, something that told you that you'd wasted enough time catching up on what was happening.

Leaving your whip with the woman you ran out of the room down the hall, your feet carrying you down a few flights of stairs before stepping into the building you'd been told the exercise would be taking place.

Much to your surprise the inside of the building was much more vast than you'd thought, there was no second floor like the outside led you to believe and instead the ceilings were just really high up. White and gold were also the colours of this building, something that appeared to have been a running theme everywhere.

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