Chapter 83

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"What the hell was that back there?!" calling out behind him towards where you followed Joseph's eyes darted around the crowded streets, a piece of cloth was thrown over the enemy stand in an attempt to keep it complacent.

"I don't even know- I just figured it would distract everyone. Sorry it was so loud though!" Pushing yourself to catch up to the man and run parallel to him, your eyes trailed across the half haphazardly thrown fabric.

Turning his attention down towards it as well he paused upon hearing a crunching noise, some apple cores, a banana peel and other varying produce fell out from beneath the cloth soon after. "Wha-What are you doing?"

The Stand was silent for a second or two before loudly answering the man's question, "I'm chowing down, Joestar. Gotta get bigger!"

"You stole those at the market! You speedy little bastard!" A chicken head fell out from beneath the cloth as well and having run out of patients, Joseph tore the cloth off receiving a punch to the face.

"Arms! It has arms now! And it's so big!" Your expression clearly remained that of disgust, this stand was definitely something else and you felt bad that you weren;t much help to the older man- but hey, if he needed to cut his arm off you were there for it.

"I am big! You might say I'm mooching off my parents, but I guess it's really just your arm, daddy." If it weren't for the situation, you'd surely burst out laughing. Though in saying that it was a very creepy thing to hear from some weird flesh blob.

Scowling at the stand Joseph practically fumed, "You ugly bitch! I'll show you that I, Joseph Joestar, have way more experience fighting than you do!" Upon hearing Joseph exclaim that you couldn't help but stare into the side of his face, you knew how he was and knew that he tended to plan things as they go. "Anyways, Hermit Purple!"

Purple vines protruded from his arm wrapping around the enemy stand, all the while it simply gazed up at the older man. "Father, thank you for raising me. But it isn't nice to tie your children down like this. You must raise your children to be free!" Leaning down it chomped down onto Joseph's arm, the man yelling in pain.

Moving to begin running once more, Joseph's eyes darted around the area, the empress as well began trying once more to attack the older man before stopping. Both the man and enemy stand halted their movements as an earsplitting ringing sounded, something that bystanders couldn't hear simply because the large black mass was only in contact with the Joestar.

"What the- why you." Cupping it's ears as though that would do anything Empress glared your way, it's expression was that of annoyance till a jovial smile grew. "Your stand affects your companion too you know!."

"Joseph will be fine, it's you that I'm trying to get rid of." Engaging in a glaring contest with the Stand, you watched it suck in a deep breath before reluctantly pulling it's hands away from its ears, reeling back one of its small fists knocking it into Joseph's face, the two being thrown away from your stand.

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