Chapter 31

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"I can't believe you did that." Crossing his arms much like a child Caesar shook his head, the blond had been making small complaints as soon as the three of you made it back to the island.

"You were the one who ran off and left Suzi and I to get everything." Crossing your own arms in retaliation to what he'd said you kept your head held high, "If anything you should apologize to Suzi for having to waste a tomato trying to get your attention."

Once again finding herself giggling the petite blond trailed in front leading the trio towards the kitchen, she found it cute how both of you chatted with one another and even considered trying to get the two of you together.

Though that would be a whole nother story in itself.

Feeling herself get tugged forward her eyes trailed towards where you appeared beside her, arm linked with her own and a faster pace was taken. "Come on Suzi we can make pasta ourselves, Caesar has insulted me and therefore I will not be acknowledging his presence."

A laugh left her lips right after you'd said, "What did he say?"

"We don't acknowledge it."

Letting out a groan while following the two of you Caesar ran a hand through his hair, "Mi amoure-" "Do you hear that Suzi? It's getting windy." Right away you'd cut off what he was about to say once more drawing out a round of laughter from the girl.

"Caesar, what did you say?" Turning her head back Suzi stared at the man watching him let out a huff.

"I said her hamon needed work- that's it." Holding his hands up defensively the response drew out a huff from you.

"More like called it pathetic- I saw how your head moved, you were even surprised at the punch it packed." Raising a hand and gesturing around with it you didn't bother turning around to face the blond instead opting to swing open the kitchen doors pulling Suzi inside.

The basket of ingredients was settled on top of the counter and wordlessly you began unpacking the non-vegetables, setting them on the counter beside the basket. Seeing another hand reach into the basket beside you, your lips remained pressed together till instead of grabbing something from inside the basket he snagged yours.

"Caesar wha-" "I'm apologizing, I didn't mean to insult you like that- you are still learning after all." Cupping your hand in his own he stared down at you awaiting a response.

"Fine. You're forgiven," Seeing that his eyes lit up you held up a hand signifying that there was more. "But do it again and I won't be as forgiving." Reaching out you poked the man's nose firmly with the tip of your index finger. "Now go help Suzi bring in the flour. She's been trying to drag the bag through the doorway for three minutes now."

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