Chapter 26

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That's the first thing you could describe, a brisk nail-biting chill even if your ears could pick up the sound of a fireplace somewhere nearby. Your eyelids felt heavy, nerves buzzing as you willed them open being met with the sight of what you'd predicted.

A fireplace.

What was not predicted however were the dozens of glowing eyes staring down at you from the ceiling, each belonging to something just out of sight hidden away from the light of the fireplace.

Swallowing thickly you struggled to move yourself finding that your limbs felt as though they were made of led, the chair you'd been seated on was plush but didn't feel right with the current circumstances. Pushing your legs off from resting over the armrest your feet rested against the floor, with a shaky push from your arms you rose up only to sway slightly from the headrush.

Trying to take a step forward you ended up taking a kneel instead, hand reaching up the rub the side of your head.

"Careful my dear, your body's still dealing with blood loss."

Hearing footsteps approach and a hand outstretched in front of you, your eyes trailed up seeing a coy smile stretched out among the blond's features. "I didn't intend to take as much as I did- but it was simply divine." The man couldn't help but lick his lips at the recollection and a shudder traveled up your spin at his words.

Trailing your hand away from the side of your head towards your neck you paused feeling the dull pain resonating from it. Moving your eyes back towards Dio's hand you couldn't help but let out a scoff slapping the hand away with yours before making an attempt to stand back up. "Thanks but no thanks."

In response to what you'd said the blond feigned a look of hurt, a hand now rested over where his heart was. "Ah my dear, you wound me so and after I so politely bring you he-" "Kidnap me. The correction is that you kidnapped me."

Finally standing back up fully you took a second or two to regain your bearings.

"Ah, water under the bridge. A mere step in ruling with one another." Ignoring the glare he'd received from saying that Dio stepped forward swiping your hand in his proceeding after to begin twirling around the room, something reminiscent of the gala your parents held.

"I told you. I'm not-" A finger had pushed itself over your lips to silence what you were saying, whatever fantasy the blond currently had played out within his head would not go interrupted by such a response.

Releasing a hum he twisted in place once more, hand shifting to rest along your back while the other maintained its hold on your own. Thrown off by the sudden dip your attention fully focused on him, (E/C) hues clashed with amber ones.

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