Chapter 91

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There was silence on the other end for a minute, static filled the emptiness before laughter rumbled out from the other end.

It came in deep waves practically shaking you to the core if not for the reminder that he wasn't actually there.

"What I want? You're certainly quite the jokester (Y/N), isn't it obvious what I want? I'm sure those Joestars have filled you in." The name 'Joestars' was spat out with so much malice you could practically feel it leak through the phone, his distaste for them was still clear. "But then again, they only filled you in on what I want with their bloodline."

"So you're going to have to be more specific my dear."

Once again swallowing thickly you spoke, your voice came out faint from the initial shock of being called by the person your team was after. "What do you want with me?"

Silence, silence and then it was as though you could hear the smirk that stretched out across his face, his tone was sultry- something that gradually became lower as he spoke. "I want you, it's as simple as that. I want your mind, your body, your abilities. I want you and it's entirety."

"You won't win. We're going to find you and bring you down." Although you worked up the courage to utter that, your words sounded empty, they were similar to what you'd uttered to the blond a long time ago.

Laughter once again rang through the device, the timbers of it nearly reverberating around the room "You said that last time, and look how that turned out. I'm still here, as are you and Jonathan- well where's Jonathan." His voice trailed off near the end, a clear mockery of the situation and something that was meant to egg you on.

"You turned me into a vampire." "And yet you're still here, isn't it fate at this point my dear? You can only fight it for so long, who else is going to be able to match up to your lifespan? It's me or nobody."

Your jaw clenched at this, "Then I'll choose nobody."

Silence once again sounded from the other end, presumably the man processing what you'd said before responding back. "That's not a choice you get to make I'm afraid- but enjoy your time with that rag-tag group while you can. I'll try to keep my subordinates more in check next time."

"I presume your leg is doing better?"

"How did you know about that?" Right away snapping that out your eyes trailed around the office once more as if there was something currently watching you right then.

You could just envision the coy smile strewn out across his face at the mere thought of you worrying over what he could and couldn't see.

"I know a lot of things, but what's important is that they're more careful next time with things that belong-" The phone was snatched out of your hand before you could hear the rest of what was said, your head snapped back around to see Jotaro looming dauntingly behind you.

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