Chapter 101

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Chapter warning: Uh idk what to warn but this chapter kinds hits a little hard

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Chapter warning: Uh idk what to warn but this chapter kinds hits a little hard


Discussing whether or not the coins were the real deal, you couldn't help but scan the area. This was all too coincidental and you found yourself having a hard time believing in it despite what was clearly laid out before you.

"Polnareff...something doesn-" "Madam you still have three wishes, and sir you still have two." Both your heads snapped upwards to see the being sitting within a palm tree, it's arms were crossed awaiting what was just said. "Tell me them and they shall be granted."

Popping up from his spot Polnareff stood fully, "Y-You bastard! What kind of stunt are you trying to pull?! You can't fool us with this! If you're an enemy, act like it and fight!" Pointing up at the tree Polnareff's expression hardened. "I'll take this treasure if you don't.."

"Is the answer to that question your second wish?"

Blocking out the conversation between Polnareff and the 'genie' you couldn't help but purse your lips. You're on a random island, there to see Avdol's supposed 'father' and the two of you just happen to run across a 'genie'.

It just didn't add up.

"-bring someone back...from the dead?" "Is the answer to that question your second wi-" "Enough already! B-" His words stopped upon feeling you rest a hand along his arm, blue hues trailing over to tracing across the expression you wore.

Knowing exactly what he was planning to do, you made sure to ask the question firmly but softly, "Are you really willing to try something like that?"

At your words his features seemed to soften, a breath being taken before he spoke, "Wouldn't you do the same for Jonathan? Maybe even just a little more time...that's what I'm asking." Returning his attention back towards the being he called out, tugging a folded up picture from his pocket. "Bring my dead sister back to life! Then I want you to bring Avdol back to life! I bet you can't do that for me!"

"Very well. I'll grant both your wishes."

"Grant it? But I didn't even make one?" Sharing a look with your companion the two of you remanded below the palm tree, the sun had begun setting long ago, so a sky full of stars was the current situation.

"Oh, you made one. It'll just take time to grant both of yours." Purple steam began to emanate from it before it spoke once more, "I'll start with Polnareff's second wish, your sister. Hail 2 U!"

"W-Wait! What the hell are you?! Why would you-" His words stopped at the sound of rustling, both of you stilling in place until what sounded like a someone digging sounded from within the foliage. "W-What was that? That sound I just heard..I-it sounded like someone digging..."

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