Chapter 100

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"Hey, Gramps...Something's up. You're going the wrong way." Raising a hand Jotaro pointed towards an island in the distance. "You're on a course for that island."

Turning your head away from looking over the boats railing you tuned in to what was being said curious as to where the group was actually headed and why.

"...before we enter Egypt, we need to take this detour to meet someone. He's a man of great importance to our journey."

"Can we know who this man is or..." Calling out from where you leaned against the railing you quirked a brow asking what Polnareff was thinking.

Twisting around in the driver's seat Joseph spared you a smile, the action enough letting you know that your question will go unanswered leading you to roll your eyes, of course he would leave it as a surprise.

Of course.

Feeling the boat begin docking on land the group hopped out, your shoes sunk into the sant faintly and you could only call out once more. "So the person we're looking for lives on this random island- in the middle of nowhere alone? And you just want to leave the boat here unattended?"

"Yeah, isn't this a bit suspicious?" Agreeing with what you'd said Polnareff moved to stand beside you mimicking the way you had your arms folded over one another. "The island is puny, and it looks deserted."

"It does now that you both mention it." Pursing his lips together Kakyoin turned towards the oldest of the group. "Mr.Joestar, does anyone actually live here?"

"Someone does, in fact. They told me so back in India."

Making a face at what he said you spoke up. "That sounds so ominous, who is 'they'?" Opening your mouth to add on your attention as well as the others instantly shifted towards a section of rustling bushes.

"Someone's watching us." Jutting a thumb towards where the rustling had come from Jotaro's teal hues lingered across it until the figure of a man popped up beginning to run away. Catching a faint sight of what the back of the man had looked like you could see a set of hair knots as well as a small ponytail in the back, the familiarity of it caused you to rub your eyes as if you were seeing things.

A gasp left Kakyoin upon seeing the man, "That looks like..."

"Yeah. I would recognize him anywhere!" Breaking out into a sprint Polnareff began tailing the mysterious man, the rest of you following right after as to now lose the man somewhere on the island.

Trampling through bushes and greenery alike a pathway eventually opened up leading to a small fenced in property. The house within it appeared a bit worn but seemed to remain a lively blue hue all the while a small yellow chicken house stood by one corner of the fence.

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